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1.x Version History

Andreas Dieckmann edited this page Aug 1, 2023 · 1 revision


New nodes:

  • All Elements Of Category+
  • Color.ByName
  • Color.Name
  • Document.Enums
  • Element.CurtainGridLines
  • Element.DependentElements
  • Element.Mirror
  • Enum.Values
  • FamilyInstance.IsMirrored
  • FamilyParameter.SetFormula
  • File.Created
  • File.LastAccessed
  • File.LastModified
  • FilledRegionType.FillPatterns
  • ParameterElement.SetAllowVaryBetweenGroups
  • RevitLinkType.AttachmentType
  • RevitLinkType.PathType
  • Solid.ByUnion+


  • Key feature of this release: Most Clockwork nodes that have category inputs now not only support categories but also BuiltInCategories and BuiltInCategories as strings. That means that you can use them to query categories that are not supported by OOTB Dynamo nodes (e.g. LegendComponents, Profiles etc.). Affected nodes:
    • All Elements Of Category+
    • All Families Of Category
    • All Family Types Of Category
    • All Intersecting Elements Of Category By BoundingBox
    • All Intersecting Elements Of Category By Vector
    • All Placed Family Types of Category
    • All View-Dependent Family Instances Of Category
    • Category.Material
    • Category.Subcategories
    • Category.Type
    • Document.ContainsElementsOfCategory
    • Document.ProjectParametersByCategory
    • Element.IsOfCategory
    • Room.InsertsOfBoundariesByCategory
    • View.CategoryIsVisible
    • View.PermanentlyIsolateCategory
    • View.TemporarilyIsolateCategory
  • The following nodes now support linked documents:
    • All Placed Element Types Of Category
    • Document.ContainsElementsOfCategory
    • Element.AllInstances
    • Element.AllInstancesAtLevel
    • Element.AllViewDependentInstances
  • BuiltInCategory.ByName and Document.BuiltInCategories now have an option to also return categories that are not supported by OOTB Dynamo nodes
  • Document.ProjectParameters and Element.Category+ now have an additional output for BuiltInCategories
  • Element.Location+ now returns the profiles of ExtrusionRoofs
  • Element.Panels now has an option to return panels ordered by rows
  • Element.SetName now supports the renaming of worksets.
  • Group.Ungroup now has a second output that reports success as a boolean. Additionally, returning the ungrouped elements can now be turned off for two reasons:
    • Better performance when dealing with large numbers of groups.
    • Circumventing a bug where DynamoRevit will fail to instantiate TextNote elements contained in detail groups when run on top of non-English Revit.
  • SpotCoordinate.ByPoint and SpotElevation.ByPoint now work on any type of reference (previously only faces)

Bug fixes:

  • DirectShape.FromRevitGeometry is now also working in Revit 2018 and later
  • Fixed order of outputs for Document.ProjectParameteryByCategory
  • Element.Inserts will now return inserts correctly for a list of elements
  • Element.Location+ will now return all curves of sketch-based elements
  • RevisionCloud.FromElements now works as expected again
  • Room.State will now report rooms correctly as non-enclosed that only had their room-bounding elements removed during script execution.
  • Fixed a bug where SelectionSet.ByElements would return null in some odd cases
  • SharedParameterFile.Parse now supports older SP files as well that don't contain all columns (e.g. description and usermodifiable columns)
  • View.PrimaryView now works for all view types


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug in Element.SetName


New nodes:

  • AngularDimension.ByElements
  • Array.GroupType
  • Dimension.ReferencedElements
  • Document.UnitTypes
  • ElementType.ByName
  • ElevationMarker.Views
  • FamilyParameter.MakeInstance
  • FamilyParameter.MakeType
  • SharedParameterFile.Parse
  • SpotCoordinate.ByPoint


  • All Intersecting Elements Of Category By Vector now performs a lot faster and uses a temporarily generated view to perform its query
  • All View-Dependent Family Instances of Category now works for dependent views as well
  • Document.ElementTypes now shows all element types that are available in the OOTB dropdown node "Element Types". It also has a second output for the type names now.
  • Element.Category+ now also returns the category of the currently opened family document
  • Element.CutGeometry & Element.JoinGeometry now also return the original input elements
  • Element.Inserts now also returns railings hosted on stairs
  • Element.Location+ now has two additional outputs: "hasMultipleCurves" (boolean) and "multipleCurves" (lists of curves). The existing outputs "curves", "curveEndpoints" and "isCurve" will no longer output curves, points and True respectively for elements with multiple location curves (e.g. floor slabs). Additionally, the node now supports these additional object types:
    • Curtain grid lines
    • Dimensions
    • Grids
    • Openings (currently only non-rectangular ones, though)
    • Railings
    • Top rails
    • Stair landings
    • Stair runs
  • Element.Name+ now also returns names of family parameters
  • Element.Level now also supports stairs, stair runs, stair landings and extruded roofs
  • Element.SetName now also supports renaming of family parameters (while in a family document)
  • FamilyInstance.SubComponents was renamed to Element.SubComponents because it now also supports beam systems, stairs and railings.
  • FamilyInstance.SuperComponent was renamed to Element.SuperComponent because it now also supports beams in beam systems, stair components, hand rails and top rails.
  • UnitType.DisplayUnitType now also supports native Revit unit types (previously only Dynamo unit types)
  • Wall.Flip now reports success/failure as a boolean

Bug fixes:

  • Element.Category+ will no longer fail when processing null values
  • List.ReplaceItemAtIndex+ will no longer fail when processing 2D lists. This should also fix similar issues with List.ReplaceEmptyLists and List.ReplaceNulls.
  • View.ViewTemplate will no longer fail when processing null values or non-views


New nodes:

  • Paneling.TriangularFlatMirrored (late migration from 0.9.x package version)
  • Plane.IsCoplanarWithPlane
  • TextElement.Text (undeprecated - OOTB node does not work for ModelText)


  • Updated descriptions of many of the Plus nodes to better reflect how they differ from their OOTB counterparts
  • Deprecated Elements.GroupByHost
  • List.MatchWithKeyValues now returns null for mismatches

Bug fixes:

  • Document.SynchronizeWithCentral now returns false (instead of null) if document cannot be synchronized
  • Door.Rooms / Window.Rooms now returns null for each door / window not existing in a given phase
  • Element.Category+ now returns null for unsupported categories
  • Element.Level now returns floor plan levels again
  • Element.Panels now correctly returns empty lists for walls not containing curtain panels
  • FamilyParameter.Properties now correctly returns the list of parameter names in formulas
  • List.ReplaceItemAtIndex+ will now return the original list instead of null when handed an empty list of indices
  • Room.Doors & Room.Windows will now report doors and windows respectively in all Revit versions
  • Switch now returns values correctly again
  • Wall.Orientation now reports the correct orientation for flipped walls as well


New nodes:

  • CurtainPanel.IsPhantomPanel
  • DateTime.IsEarlier
  • DateTime.IsLater
  • Material.Assets
  • String.ReplaceMultiple
  • String.StartsWithRegularExpression
  • System.MachineName
  • System.UserName
  • View.DependentViews
  • View.PrimaryView


  • Many nodes were re-coded and optimized for performance
  • All Family Types of Category now also works for system families
  • All Intersecting Elements of Category By Vector now has an additional output that returns the first intersecting item
  • CustomNode.Info now also reports whether or not a node is visible in the node library
  • Dimension.AssociatedFamilyParameter now returns Null when no associated family parameter is found
  • Document.ProjectParametersByCategory now has the same outputs as Document.ProjectParameters
  • Element.Category+ will now also return the parent category of a subcategory
  • Element.Panels will now return embedded walls
  • Element.SetWorkset is now compatible with worksets retrieved by archi-lab nodes
  • Element.Workset now works for elements from linked models as well
  • Family.HostingBehavior will now return Null instead of an empty string in cases where no hosting behaviour is set
  • Floor.SlabShapeByPoints and Roof.SlabShapeByPoint can now process multiple floors/roofs
  • Level.Views now uses a new API method to determine the associated plan view in Revit 2018 and later
  • RevitLinkType.Reload now has an option to specify a new path for the linked model
  • SpotElevation.ByPoint (fka SpotElevation.ByFloorPlanAndPoint) now accepts any view (may not work for all view types, though)
  • String.MatchRegularExpression has been renamed to String.ContainsRegularExpression in order to differentiate itself clearly from the new String.StartsWithRegularExpression node
  • View.Duplicate, View.DuplicateAsDependent and View.DuplicateWithDetailing now all have name inputs

Bug Fixes:

  • All Intersecting Elements of Category By BoundingBox is now properly restricted to 3D views
  • RevitFile.BasicFileInfo will now also run in Revit 2016
  • Roof.Kind will now correctly evaluate face-based roofs and in-place roofs as well


New nodes:

  • RevitFile.BasicFileInfo
  • Room.Finishes


  • Document.ProjectParameters will now also retrieve parameter groups, parameter types, unit types and GUIDs (if the parameter is shared) of project parameters. It will also return the ParameterElement itself as well as booleans to indicate whether the parameter is visible or an instance parameter.
  • Document.SynchronizeWithCentral now has an additional boolean toggle to control whether the node should be run or not.
  • Element.Name+ will now return null if a name cannot be determined. It now also returns the localized name for a number of data types (BuiltInParameters, BuiltInParameterGroups, DisplayUnitTypes, ParameterTypes, UnitSymbolTypes & UnitTypes).
  • Room.Boundaries will now only return room-bounding elements that correspond to one of the room-bounding curves in plan view (i.e. walls, columns & room separation lines). Use the new Room.Finishes node to retrieve top and bottom room-bounding elements (i.e. floor slabs & ceilings).
  • Time.LapTime and Time.EvaluateLapTimes now use DateTime and TimeSpan data types instead of Double data type

Bug fixes:

  • All Intersecting Elements Of Category By BoundingBox now handles null value gracefully
  • Clipboard.SendTo will no longer crash Dynamo (and Revit) when handed a null value
  • System.Version will now also correctly report Windows versions past Windows 7
  • Time.LapTime will now work correctly when sending large data sets through passthrough input


New nodes:

  • All Intersecting Elements Of Category By BoundingBox
  • BoundingBox.Properties
  • Category.Material
  • Category.Type
  • Date.CalendarWeek
  • DesignOption.IsPrimary
  • Document.ElementTypes
  • Document.PerformanceAdviserRules
  • Dynamo.Version
  • Element.SetSubCategory
  • Family.HasRoomCalculationPoint
  • Family.HostingBehavior
  • File.Size
  • FillPatternElement.IsSolidFill
  • Floor.ResetSlapShape
  • Group.IsMirrored
  • GroupType.Groups
  • ImportInstance.IsLinked
  • PlanView.Underlay (re-added from previous package version)
  • RevitLinkType.Reload
  • RevitLinkType.Unload
  • Roof.ResetSlabShape
  • Room.State
  • ScopeIf+
  • String.BinaryFromBooleans
  • String.BinaryToBooleans
  • String.ReplaceIllegalRevitCharacters
  • System.CPUs
  • System.Memory
  • System.Version
  • View.PermanentlyIsolateCategory
  • View.TemporarilyIsolateCategory


  • Deprecated some nodes (more info here)
  • Renamed and recategorized some nodes (see node list for details)
  • Altered many nodes to make use of List@Level functionality
  • Removed DesignScript from most nodes
  • Checked Revit 2018 API compatibility
  • Most Revit nodes that previously returned Empty List when no object was found will now return null. I realize this may likely break existing workflows but it is in closer alignment with how Dynamo's OOTB Revit nodes behave and will also simplify filtering processes in nested lists.
  • Most Revit Create nodes (i.e. nodes that create new elements in the model) now return null for elements that could not be created
  • Most Revit Actions nodes (i.e. nodes that alter elements in the model) now return booleans to indicate success/failure
  • Nodes that require a Revit phase as an input will now default to the last phase in the project if no phase input is provided
  • The following nodes now also have linked model support:
    • All Elements of Family Type+
    • All Families of Category
    • All Family Types of Category
    • Document.Default3DView
    • Document.IsWorkshared
    • Document.Phases
    • Document.ProjectInfo
    • Document.ProjectParameters
    • Document.ProjectParametersByCategory
    • Document.ProjectPosition
    • Document.StartingView
    • Document.Views
    • Document.Worksets
    • Element.ByID
  • Application.Version now also returns the full version number (e.g. 2018.1) in post-2017 Revit
  • CurtainPanel.HostPanel will now return the original panel if no host panel is found
  • CustomNode.Info now supports input and output descriptions as well as the altered Dynamo 1.3 node definition structure
  • Document.AddLink now has an additional input for setting the path type (relative vs. absolute)
  • Document.ProjectParameters and Document.ProjectParametersByCategory will now also report how parameter values are treated for grouped elements
  • Element.Category+ now supports families and graphics styles as well
  • Element.Geometry+ now returns inconvertible geometry objects as null and also returns the subcategories of geometry objects
  • Element.Panels will now also report all panels hosted on curtain systems and glazed roofs (previously: curtain walls only)
  • Floor.SlabShapeByPoints and Roof.SlabShapeByPoints no longer reset the slab shape. Use new Floor.ResetSlapShape and Roof.ResetSlapShape nodes instead.
  • Grid.Plane now returns null for curved grid lines
  • List.RandomElements now has an (optional) seed input
  • Math.RandomIntegerList now has (optional) inputs for minimum number and seed
  • Subcategory.ByName now works in project documents, too
  • Changed WallType.Function to FamilyType.Function - not limited to wall types any more

Bug fixes:

  • BoundingBox.ByElements will now correctly return a bounding box for each sublist of elements
  • Clipboard.SendTo will no longer crash Dynamo (and Revit) when handed an empty string
  • Document.ProjectParameters will now ignore categories not supported by Dynamo
  • List.AnyTrue and List.AnyFalse will now correctly report for empty lists or lists that contain other object types than booleans
  • Wall.Orientation will now return vectors correctly again


New nodes:

  • Document.Default3DView
  • Document.ProjectParameters
  • Document.ProjectParametersByCategory
  • Element.Category
  • FamilyType.FamilyName
  • Grid.Plane
  • List.Chop+ (re-added to package due to a bug in OOTB node List.Chop)
  • List.JoinByKeys
  • ModelCurve.Type
  • Schedule.KeyScheduleParameterName
  • SpotElevation.ByFloorPlanAndPoint
  • String.CompileRegularExpression
  • String.ReplaceIllegalFilenameCharacters
  • String.Replace+
  • View.Direction
  • View.SetDetailLevel
  • ViewSheetSet.Views


  • Added various flags to the regular expression nodes
  • Element.Host now also retrieves host objects of wall foundations, railings, building pads and topo subregions
  • Document.SaveAs now includes options to compact the file and save it as a new central file
  • Document.BuiltInCategories, BuiltInCategory.ByName, Category.Subcategories and Subcategory.ByName will now return Dynamo-compatible category objects
  • Element.Location now reports boundaries of floors, roofs, ceilings etc.
  • Element.Geometry+ can now (optionally) retrieve an object's geometry without openings
  • RoomTag.Room will now retrieve rooms in linked models, too (Revit 2017+ only)
  • Various minor improvements
  • Renamed a few nodes

Bug fixes:

  • Element.SetMaterialParameterByCategory will now return unchanged elements
  • Wall.Orientation will now return a Dynamo vector again instead of a Revit XYZ
  • Material.Duplicate will now duplicate materials again
  • Element.ByID now also accepts IDs as integers
  • Element.Location will now report correct booleans when processing rooms again
  • List.FromCSV will now also return the last line of the CSV file again
  • Application.Version will now return Language as a string
  • Room.UnplacedByNameAndNumber will now correctly number created rooms again
  • List.DropLastItem will now work for deeper list structures again
  • Element.Geometry+ will now correctly retrieve the geometry of most in-place families


New nodes:

  • DetailLevel.Coarse
  • DetailLevel.Fine
  • DetailLevel.Medium
  • DirectShape.FromRevitGeometry
  • Element.Geometry+


  • Added a boolean toggle to Time.LapTime to (optionally) force re-execution
  • Wall.Location now returns a more meaningful result for curved walls (contribution by ksobon)

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where Element.Location in some cases would not return a boolean for the hasRotation output port


New nodes:

  • Array.AssociatedFamilyParameter
  • Document.AddLink
  • Element.CopyByVector
  • Element.CopyToLevel
  • FamilyInstance.SetLevel
  • Level.Views
  • Passthrough
  • RoomTag.Room
  • RoomTag.SetType


  • Fixed a bug in Switch node that prevented returning the default value correctly for multiple case mismatches
  • Fixed a bug in String.AlphanumericToMorse and String.MorseToAlphanumeric that caused those nodes to return null
  • Fixed a bug in Dimension.AssociatedFamilyParameter where sometimes the lengths of the output lists would not match
  • Fixed a bug in TextElement.SetTest that would prevent supplying a single string for altering multiple text elements
  • Fixed a bug in StructuralFoundation.Kind that prevented the correct identification of wall footings
  • Fixed a bug in FamilyInstance.SetType that prevented applying multiple types
  • Fixed a bug in View.ConvertTemporaryHideIsolateToPermanent where the node would not return the view
  • Fixed a bug in Element.Group that caused the node to return null


  • Renamed, relabeled and recategorized some nodes
  • Document.BuiltInParameters and Document.BuiltInCategories now also return ElementIDs
  • Element.Name (Universal) will now return parameter names as well
  • Element.ID will now return a list of booleans that indicate whether an ID could be retrieved (for subsequent filtering)
  • Object.Members now works for non-Revit elements as well (e.g. Dynamo geometry)
  • Application.Version now also returns app language (contribution by sixtysecondrevit)
  • Element.Location now also returns an element's rotation if any (contribution by dimven)
  • List.DropLastItem now works with replication. The old behaviour can still be achieved by combining it with List.Map (contribution by dimven)
  • FamilyType.Duplicate now works more robustly with duplicate type names(contribution by dimven)

Nodes updated for Revit 2017 compatibility

  • TextNote.ByStringAndPosition
  • Room.Boundaries
  • View.CategoryIsVisible