Bug Fixes
@angular/cli: add error message when missing config env variable (#5980 ) (29a9513 )
@angular/cli: fix text descriptions (40ecc30 ), closes #5501
@angular/cli: fixing component blueprint indent (47a76b8 )
@angular/cli: format files according to tslint (960bd48 ), closes #5751
@angular/cli: import at least one locale-data with intl (#6190 ) (a9baddf )
@angular/cli: install webpack at ejection (#5745 ) (2c23cda )
correctly generate changelog (5090e3b )
@angular/cli: ng get: return whole config root when no path provided. (c2d9e70 ), closes #5887
@angular/cli: open option in serve command should open localhost when host is (035c094 ), closes #5743
@angular/cli: properly support CSS url()'s with whitespace (b6db02f )
@angular/cli: remove default for test runners (9da5495 )
@angular/cli: removes redundant rules from tslint.json (#5783 ) (1c22a94 ), closes #5755
@angular/cli: simplify import path if possible (#6184 ) (c0c03f9 ), closes #6183
@angular/cli: Throw error when no key provided for ng get (cd6db0a ), closes #5887
@angular/cli: Update project generation text. (#5958 ) (f502bd9 )
@ngtools/logger: add typings and other information to logger package.json (3a5668c )
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