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Quick words

Yuriy Artemyev edited this page Jul 21, 2022 · 2 revisions

Screenshot from 2022-07-17 18-20-53 (01)

Next plugins are required:

You just need to install this plugins, no setup is required. The first plugin makes default word motions more frequent (supports snake_case and CamelCase). The second plugin make word motions jump only on letters ignoring all other characters. This hydra makes "submode" for the "quick words". When you need it, you press , + any word motion and all word motions become "quick" while all other remains the same. Even operator mode is supported, so you can press c,w in normal mode to execute change on "quick word" and simultaneously enter the "quick words submode". Esc exit key is bind only in normal mode, so if you press it in visual mode, you will return to normal mode, but "quick workds submode" won't be exited.

local Hydra = require("hydra")

   name = 'Quick words',
   config = {
      color = 'pink',
      hint = 'statusline',
   mode = {'n','x','o'},
   body = ',',
   heads = {
      { 'w',  '<Plug>(smartword-w)'  },
      { 'b',  '<Plug>(smartword-b)'  },
      { 'e',  '<Plug>(smartword-e)'  },
      { 'ge', '<Plug>(smartword-ge)' },
      { '<Esc>', nil, { exit = true, mode = 'n' } }
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