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Releases: apache/uima-ruta

Apache UIMA Ruta (TM) v3.4.1

27 Nov 14:53
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Apache UIMA Ruta™ is a rule-based script language supported by Eclipse-based tooling.
The language is designed to enable rapid development of text processing applications within Apache UIMA™.
A special focus lies on the intuitive and flexible domain specific language for defining
patterns of annotations. The Eclipse-based tooling for Ruta, called the Ruta Workbench,
was created to support the user and to facilitate every step when writing Ruta rules. Both the
Ruta rule language and the Ruta Workbench integrate smoothly with Apache UIMA.

This is a feature and bugfix release.

What's Changed

  • 🦟 Issue #159: Assignment of composed number expression is broken
  • 🦟 Issue #161: Right to left wildcard matches too much

Full Changelog: rel/ruta-3.4.0...rel/ruta-3.4.1

Please use the mailing lists for feedback and the issue tracker to report bugs.

Compatibility notes for v3.4.x

  • The modules ruta-typesystem and ruta-basic-type do no longer exist as separate modules. They have
    been merged into the ruta-core module.
  • Parts of the ruta-core-ext module have been merged into the ruta-core module as well. The merged
    extensions remain extensions and did not become part of the Ruta language. Check what remains in
    the ruta-core-ext module and remove any dependencies on it if you do not need the extensions it

Supported Platforms

UIMA Ruta 3.4.1 should be used in combination with

  • Java 17 or higher
  • UIMA Java SDK 3.5.0 or higher
  • uimaFIT 3.5.0 or higher
  • Spring Framework 5.3.30 or higher


The official release comes with verifiable signatures and hashes and can be downloaded from the Apache UIMA homepage:

Note that in particular the Source code links below do not provide official release artifacts. It is only as a convenience by GitHub.

Convenience binaries are provided via Maven Central:

Apache UIMA Ruta (TM) v3.4.0

27 Nov 15:07
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Apache UIMA Ruta™ is a rule-based script language supported by Eclipse-based tooling.
The language is designed to enable rapid development of text processing applications within Apache UIMA™.
A special focus lies on the intuitive and flexible domain specific language for defining
patterns of annotations. The Eclipse-based tooling for Ruta, called the Ruta Workbench,
was created to support the user and to facilitate every step when writing Ruta rules. Both the
Ruta rule language and the Ruta Workbench integrate smoothly with Apache UIMA.

This is a feature and bugfix release.

What's Changed

  • ⭐️ Issue #130: Improve support for feature assignments
  • ⭐️ Issue #152: Better error messages in query view
  • 🦟 Issue #139: Unexpected behavior of plus operator
  • 🦟 Issue #151: Unable to use Ruta Query view in Ruta 3.4.0-RC-1
  • 🦟 Issue #155: UIMA Core plugins not found when installing Ruta
  • ⚙️ Issue #133: Update dependencies
  • ⚙️ Issue #157: Mark Maven Mojos as thread-safe
  • 📘 Issue #136: Convert documentation to Asciidoc
  • 📘 No issue: Fix description of ADDRETAINTYPE

Full Changelog: rel/ruta-3.3.0...rel/ruta-3.4.0

Please use the mailing lists for feedback and the issue tracker to report bugs.

Compatibility notes

  • The modules ruta-typesystem and ruta-basic-type do no longer exist as separate modules. They have
    been merged into the ruta-core module.
  • Parts of the ruta-core-ext module have been merged into the ruta-core module as well. The merged
    extensions remain extensions and did not become part of the Ruta language. Check what remains in
    the ruta-core-ext module and remove any dependencies on it if you do not need the extensions it

Supported Platforms

UIMA Ruta 3.4.0 should be used in combination with

  • Java 17 or higher
  • UIMA Java SDK 3.5.0 or higher
  • uimaFIT 3.5.0 or higher
  • Spring Framework 5.3.30 or higher


The official release comes with verifiable signatures and hashes and can be downloaded from the Apache UIMA homepage:

Note that in particular the Source code links below do not provide official release artifacts. It is only as a convenience by GitHub.

Convenience binaries are provided via Maven Central:

Apache UIMA Ruta 3.3.0

24 Feb 11:20
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Apache UIMA Ruta™ is a rule-based script language supported by Eclipse-based tooling.
The language is designed to enable rapid development of text processing applications within Apache UIMA™.
A special focus lies on the intuitive and flexible domain specific language for defining
patterns of annotations. The Eclipse-based tooling for Ruta, called the Ruta Workbench,
was created to support the user and to facilitate every step when writing Ruta rules. Both the
Ruta rule language and the Ruta Workbench integrate smoothly with Apache UIMA.

This is a feature and bugfix release.

What's Changed

  • ⭐️ Issue #100: Enable type system discovery via SPI in OSGI by @reckart in #101, #105, #106, #109
  • ⭐️ Issue #102: RutaResourceLoader should consider TCCL by @reckart in #103
  • ⭐️ Issue #107: Enable loading uimaFIT annotators and other classes through the TCCL by @reckart in #108
  • ⭐️ Issue #111: Support copy/paste clipboard for feature values in annotation browser view by @pkluegl in #114
  • 🦟 Issue #110: Usage of labels within macro action definition is broken by @pkluegl in #112
  • ⚙️ Issue #118: Merge type system modules into core module by @reckart in #121
  • ⚙️ Issue #122: Resolve split package between ruta-core and ruta-core-ext by @reckart in #124
  • 🩹 Issue #104: Upgrade dependencies by @reckart in #119, #120, #123

Full Changelog: rel/ruta-3.2.0...ruta-3.3.0
A full list of issues addressed in this release can be found on issue tracker.

⚠️ NOTE: The Ruta 3.3.0 Eclipse Plugins require the UIMA 3.4.1 or higher Eclipse Plugins to be
installed first or simultaneously!

⚠️ NOTE: The modules ruta-typesystem and ruta-basic-typesystem have been merged into ruta-core and no longer exist separately. If you depend on them, depend on ruta-core instead.

Please use the mailing lists for feedback and the issue tracker to report bugs.

Supported Platforms

UIMA Ruta 3.3.0 should be used in combination with

  • Java 1.8 or higher
  • UIMA Java SDK 3.4.0 or higher (3.4.1 or higher for the Eclipse Plugins
  • uimaFIT 3.3.0 or higher
  • Spring Framework 5.3.25 or higher


The official release comes with verifiable signatures and hashes and can be downloaded from the Apache UIMA homepage:

Note that in particular the Source code links below do not provide official release artifacts. It is only as a convenience by GitHub.

Convenience binaries are provided via Maven Central:

Apache UIMA Ruta 3.2.0

28 Jun 10:10
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Apache UIMA Ruta™ is a rule-based script language supported by Eclipse-based tooling.
The language is designed to enable rapid development of text processing applications within Apache UIMA™.
A special focus lies on the intuitive and flexible domain specific language for defining
patterns of annotations. The Eclipse-based tooling for Ruta, called the Ruta Workbench,
was created to support the user and to facilitate every step when writing Ruta rules. Both the
Ruta rule language and the Ruta Workbench integrate smoothly with Apache UIMA.

This is a feature and bugfix release.

Notable changes in this release

  • [UIMA-6411] - Avoid creation of RutaBasics for bad annotations
  • [UIMA-6406] - Removing an annotation inside a BLOCK only takes effect outside the block
  • [UIMA-6408] - No type check of features in TRANSFER
  • [UIMA-6409] - Possible endless wildcard lookahead in combination with subtokens
  • [UIMA-6414] - Missing match for optional after sidestep out of composed
  • [UIMA-6404] - @ with quantifier ignores matches
  • [UIMA-6405] - Local variable not captured properly in a wildcard matching condition.
  • [UIMA-6461] - Wrong argument to contains()
  • [UIMA-6399] - RutaPatternCache prevents CPEEngine from terminating
  • [UIMA-6383] - TRIE - Wordlist entry not annotated
  • [UIMA-6394] - Label assignment in alternative match causes problems

A full list of issues addressed in this release can be found on issue tracker.

Please use the mailing lists for feedback and the issue tracker to report bugs.

Supported Platforms

UIMA Ruta 3.2.0 should be used in combination with

  • Java 1.8 or higher
  • UIMA Java SDK 3.3.0 or higher
  • uimaFIT 3.3.0 or higher
  • Spring Framework 5.3.20 or higher


The official release comes with verifiable signatures and hashes and can be downloaded from the Apache UIMA homepage:

Note that in particular the Source code links below do not provide official release artifacts. It is only as a convenience by GitHub.

Convenience binaries are provided via Maven Central: