This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 19, 2018. It is now read-only.
- [HttpPlatformHandler]: Support HTTP_PLATFORM_PORT env variable as an address (#358)
- Create a standard server feature interface for listing & configuring server prefixes and/or ports (#331)
- Convert IServerInformation to IFeatureCollection (#329)
- No logging of base address (#328)
- Support HttpContext.RequestAborted in TestServer (#320)
- Catch selfhost Startup errors and show them in the browser (#77)
Bugs Fixed
- Set ContextAccessor before the BeginRequest event runs (#377)
- Switch to using feature for RequestServices (#369)
- Publish begin/end request and unhandled errors to telemetry source (#354)
- Move MVC's TelemetrySource registration to Hosting (#353)
- Print out the environment on the command line when launching hosting (#351)
- HostEngine Start not setting HttpContext.ApplicationServices - uses default DI provider (#337)
- Dispose hosting engine services once the application is shutting down (#322)
- Change Microsoft.AspNet.Hosting.ini to Microsoft.AspNet.Hosting.json (#269)