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Intel MPI 2019 installation on 3.1 clusters

Enrico Usai edited this page Feb 21, 2022 · 3 revisions

As part of ParallelCluster 3.1.1 release, Intel MPI has been upgraded from 2019U8 to 2021U4.

To use Intel MPI 2019 in a cluster created with ParallelCluster >= 3.1.1, it is required to install it through Spack or through a manual installation in a shared folder of the Head Node.

The following script is an example of manual installation of Intel MPI 2019U8, this must be executed in the Head Node of the cluster and it will install the library in a folder shared between Head Node and compute nodes. The shared folder can be a subfolder of /opt/intel, the home of the user or a folder from a shared storage (EBS, EFS, FSx).


# Please modify SHARED_FOLDER value according to your cluster setup


wget ${intelmpi_installer_url}
tar -xf ${intelmpi_installer}
cd l_mpi_${intelmpi_version}/
./ -s silent.cfg --accept_eula --install_dir ${SHARED_FOLDER}
cd ..
rm -rf l_mpi_${intelmpi_version}*

You can verify the new installation by loading the new module, called mpi.

# Load new modulefile
$ module use "/shared/intelmpi/impi/2019.8.254/intel64/modulefiles/"
$ module avail
------------- /shared/intelmpi/impi/2019.8.254/intel64/modulefiles/ -------------

# Load intelmpi 2019 module before using it
$ module load mpi

The installation is complete. The new module can now be used and loaded in the job submission script:


module use "/shared/intelmpi/impi/2019.8.254/intel64/modulefiles/"
module load mpi

mpirun ...

Note: to download and install updated versions of Intel MPI 2019, please refer to Spack or official Intel MPI website.

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