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Categories: Primary source or language organization?

mcmillanmajora edited this page Oct 5, 2021 · 1 revision

Some resources may be reasonable to add as either a primary source or a language organization.

For example:

  • The groupe Le Monde organization owns the primary sources: Le Monde Journal, M, le magazine du Monde, L'heure du Monde Podcast, Le Monde YouTube, among others.
  • The CCSD organization owns the primary sources: HAL, TEL, MédiHAL among others.
  • The Wikimedia Foundation owns the primary sources: Wikipedia, Wikbooks, Wiktionary, Wikiquote, Wikinews, among others.
  • NPR, Inc. produces news articles as well as radio programs and podcasts.

For the purposes of this hackathon, we encourage participants to fill out the form for the organization, and then add the primary sources. We will have functionality in the form to link the organizations to the primary sources (see feature request).