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Releases: bigtreetech/CB1


20 Dec 09:38
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Known issues

  • When playing audio through HDMI, there will be no audio output for the first 1-2 seconds, It will be normal after 1-2 seconds


20 Mar 10:29
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  • If you use a minimal version of the image, additional settings are required after installing klipperscreen.
    • According to here (Install a desktop and wayland is not required for KlipperScreen) to enable panfrost GPU acceleration. Otherwise, the KlipperScreen rotation vertical screen function is not available


14 Jul 07:53
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  • Fix dpkg warning bigtreetech/CB1-Kernel#6
  • Enable default bluetooth drivers for some users use USB bluetooth bigtreetech/CB1-Kernel#8
  • Optimize the ws2812 driver to solve the problem of occasionally incorrect color of Pad7 RGB
  • Fixed the TFT35-SPI touch has no response after working for a long time occasionally and needs to be powered off and restarted.
  • Enabling panfrost GPU acceleration
  • Chinese fonts are installed by default in the minimal OS image
  • Update all services to the latest version in 2023.07.12 for Klipper OS image.


  • If you use a minimal version of the image, additional settings are required after installing klipperscreen.
    • According to here (Install a desktop and wayland is not required for KlipperScreen) to enable panfrost GPU acceleration. Otherwise, the KlipperScreen rotation vertical screen function is not available


03 Mar 12:07
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  • Optimize the built-in PHY driver, automatically recognize and compatible with ac200/a300 (Solve the problem of different built-in PHY of different H616 batches)
  • Optimize wifi shell, Avoid generating duplicate wifi nodes when the set wifi cannot be connected.
  • Optimize the touch part TFT35_SPI
  • Modify the boot logo to BIGTREETECH


  • If you use a minimal version of the image, additional settings are required after installing klipperscreen.
    • add needs_root_rights=yes to /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config (sudo nano /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config, add needs_root_rights=yes)


15 Feb 11:24
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Kernel 5.16

  • CB1_Debian11_bullseye_minimal_kernel5.16_20230215.img.xz: Only the shell script for setting WiFi configuration from SD card is added (based on pure Debian)
  • CB1_Debian11_bullseye_Klipper_kernel5.16_20230215.img.xz: Klipper, Moonraker, Mainsail, Dependent library for resonance compensation , Linux-Host-MCU, and KlipperScreen(tested on on BTT HDMI-5 & HDMI-7) are installed (based on minimal version)


  • Disable SSH access for the root user.
    • Previous OS can disable this by the following steps: Modify PermitRootLogin from yes to no in /etc/ssh/sshd_config file


  • If you use a minimal version of the image, additional settings are required after installing klipperscreen.
    • add needs_root_rights=yes to /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config (sudo nano /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config, add needs_root_rights=yes)


10 Feb 09:23
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Kernel 5.16

  • CB1_Debian11_bullseye_minimal_kernel5.16_20230208.img.xz: Only the shell script for setting WiFi configuration from SD card is added (based on pure Debian)
  • CB1_Debian11_bullseye_Klipper_kernel5.16_20230208.img.xz: Klipper, Moonraker, Mainsail, Dependent library for resonance compensation , Linux-Host-MCU, and KlipperScreen(tested on on BTT HDMI-5 & HDMI-7) are installed (based on minimal version)


  • Fix mcp2515 spi to can interrupt trigger condition
  • Fix Ethernet led status
  • Add set KlipperScreen display direction in system.cfg (Only for HDMI screens, Not effective for TFT35_SPI_V2)
  • Add set the hostname in system.cfg (hostname resolved by mDNS)
  • Added support for CB1 eMMC version


  • If you use a minimal version of the image, additional settings are required after installing klipperscreen.
    • add needs_root_rights=yes to /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config (sudo nano /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config, add needs_root_rights=yes)


10 Nov 09:27
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Kernel 5.16

  • CB1_Debian11_bullseye_minimal_kernel5.16_20221110.img.xz: Only the shell script for setting WiFi configuration from SD card is added (based on pure Debian)
  • CB1_Debian11_bullseye_Klipper_kernel5.16_20221110.img.xz: Klipper, Moonraker, Mainsail, Dependent library for resonance compensation , Linux-Host-MCU, and KlipperScreen(tested on on BTT HDMI-5 & HDMI-7) are installed (based on minimal version)
  • Hurakan_Debian11_Mainsail_kernel5.16_20221110.img.xz: The special OS for BIQU-Hurakan printer, including the specific configuration of Hurakan and mcu firmware.


  • Optimize the wifi shell script to fix the problem that the previous WAP2/WAP3 hybrid encryption wifi cannot be connected.
  • Add BoardEnv.txt config file. Refer to the description in for detailed settings.
    • Release UART0 to /dev/ttyS0 for klipper
    • Force hdmi resolution output
    • Add TFT35 SPI screen driver
    • Add MCP2515 SPI to CAN bus driver
    • Release SPI1 to spidev1.1 for klipper
  • Clean and disable some unnecessary services, improved startup speed
  • Klipper switches to Python3
  • Chinese comments are cleared in system.cfg to avoid garbled codes caused by different encoding rules.
  • Use standard Debian source to replace Tsinghua source.
  • Install the mDNS service. Now we can scan the host name through Angry IP Scanner software, More importantly, if there is only one CB1 device in the LAN, we can access it directly through "http://<host_name>.local" (The default of the hurakan OS is http://Hurakan.local else is http://BTT-CB1.local) without trying to get the IP. If there are multiple CB1 devices in the same LAN, the hostname will be automatically incremented to BTT-CB1-2.local, BTT-CB1-3.local, etc. We can still access it through http://BTT-CB1-2.local, http://BTT-CB1-3.local
  • The Hurakan version OS adds a custom Mainsail theme.


  • If you use a minimal version of the image, additional settings are required after installing klipperscreen.
    • add needs_root_rights=yes to /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config (sudo nano /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config, add needs_root_rights=yes)
    • sudo apt install xserver-xorg-input-libinput for USB-HID touch
  • The version of the Hurakan OS can only be used on Hurakan printer motherboard (Because there is a custom startup logic). Pay special attention not to directly flash the EBB with the klipper provided by Hurakan, otherwise the HE0(heater) port will be in the heating state until klipper takes over control.


30 Sep 04:43
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Kernel 5.16

  • CB1_Debian11_bullseye_minimal_kernel5.16_20220929.img.xz: Only the shell script for setting WiFi configuration from SD card is added (based on pure Debian)
  • CB1_Debian11_bullseye_Klipper_kernel5.16_20220929.img.xz: Klipper, Moonraker, Mainsail, Dependent library for resonance compensation , Linux-Host-MCU, and KlipperScreen(tested on on BTT HDMI-5 & HDMI-7) are installed (based on CB1_Debian11_bullseye_minimal_kernel5.16_20220929.img.xz)


  • Kernel 5.16 Ethernet is OK now


  • If you use a minimal version of the image, additional settings are required after installing klipperscreen.
    • add needs_root_rights=yes to /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config (sudo nano /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config, add needs_root_rights=yes)
    • sudo apt install xserver-xorg-input-libinput for USB-HID touch


  • We will maintain the Kernel 5.16 system in the future, and we will not release the Kernel 4.9 system if there is no special requirement,


02 Sep 11:41
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Kernel 5.16

  • CB1_Debian11_bullseye_minimal_kernel5.16_20220902.img.xz: Only the shell script for setting WiFi configuration from SD card is added (based on pure Debian)
  • CB1_Debian11_bullseye_Klipper_kernel5.16_20220902.img.xz: Klipper, Moonraker, Mainsail, and KlipperScreen(tested on on BTT HDMI-5 & HDMI-7) are installed (based on CB1_Debian11_bullseye_minimal_kernel5.16_20220902.img.xz)

Kernel 4.9

  • CB1_Debian11_bullseye_minimal_kernel4.9_202209012.img.xz: Only the shell script for setting WiFi configuration from SD card is added (based on pure Debian)
  • Hurakan_Debian11_Mainsail_kernel4.9_20220912.img.xz: Klipper(BTT github source), Moonraker, Mainsail are installed (based on CB1_Debian11_bullseye_minimal_kernel4.9_202209012.img.xz)


  • Optimized the stability of WiFi connection (If you guys CB1 is STILL having WIFI issues even though V2.1.2 with kernel5.16, plz don't hesitate to email, we will try our best to help you guys out. Please note CB1 when sending emails , we will solve the problem for you in time.)
  • Fixed the logic of the WiFi connection script. The WiFi configured in system.cfg will be connected first. If the WiFi connection fails, the WiFi in the connection history will be tried
  • Fix WiFi SSID contains space issue. You can set the SSID of WiFi directly, for example: WIFI_SSID="CB1 Tester"
  • Kernel 5.16 Fixed HDMI resolution issue (tested KlipperScreen on BTT HDMI-5 & HDMI-7 screen)


  • If you use a minimal version of the image, additional settings are required after installing klipperscreen.
    • add needs_root_rights=yes to /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config (sudo nano /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config, add needs_root_rights=yes)
    • sudo apt install xserver-xorg-input-libinput for USB-HID touch

Known issues

Kernel 5.16

  • The Ethernet driver of this version is still under debugging, You can use the kernel4.9 image first if you prefer to use the Ethernet rather than WiFi

Kernel 4.9

  • HDMI output is still under debugging


30 Jul 03:46
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  • This image is minimal Debian11 file system. Please contact here for detailed information and feedback

Know issues

  • After successfully connecting to WIFI, the system will save the current connection information and automatically connect this WIFI after the next restart. When setting a new WiFi in the configuration file again, the system will first try to connect to the previously saved WiFi after startup. When the previous WiFi cannot be connected, it will try to connect to the newly set WIFI (This connection logic will be optimized in the next version, and the WIFI priority set in the configuration file will be set to the highest)
  • The HDMI resolution of this OS does not support non-standard, such as 1024x600, 800x480. We are adapting to the next version and will add this support