🔥 A curated list of resources about Micro frontends grouped by types. If you appreciate the content 📖, support projects visibility, give 👍| ⭐| 👏
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How Micro-Frontends are reshaping Modern Web Architecture by Luca Mezzalira
Micro Frontends: Comparing Leading Frameworks by Oleksandr Ovcharov
Enhance your Composable Frontend Architecture with Micro-Frontends by Mia-Platform Team
Angular micro frontends — a modern approach to complex app development by Mateusz Basiński
- Everything You Need to Know About Micro Frontends by Neo Kim
- Understanding Module Federation: A Deep Dive by Zack Jackson
- Module Federation Shared API by Ruben Casas
- Micro Frontend Architecture: Helping you move from theory to practice with our workshop by Mateja Ristic, Ruslan Bredikhin
- React Micro Frontends with Module Federation by Matteo Pietro Dazzi
Multi-Framework and -Version Micro Frontends with Module Federation: Your 4 Steps Guide by Manfred Steyer
The Micro-Frontends future by Luca Mezzalira
Integration of dot js Frameworks to Micro Frontend by Navdeep Singh Gill
The Complete Guide to Micro Frontend with React.js for 2022 by Rahul Sharma
Taking micro-frontends to the next level by Shahar Talmi
Frontends with Microservices – Why the choice of frontend architecture also impacts team collaboration by A. Fleischer and H. Schröder
Let's Create A Web Application With Micro Frontends And Firebase by Issam El Nasiri
Micro-frontend Architectures on AWS by Bryant Bost
An Introduction to Micro-Frontends in Enterprise Applications (part 1) by David Alecrim
Micro frontend tutorial: Creating a form with React + Module Federation for Furgonetka.pl by Robert Goik
Micro-Frontends: What, why, and how by Rany ElHousieny
You probably don’t need a micro-frontend by Colin Eberhardt
Serverless Micro-Frontends with the AWS CDK by Fullstack Frontend
Micro Frontends Pattern Comparison by Florian Rappl
How to build a micro-frontends architecture, with Angular and Webpack Module Federation by Benoit Hediard
Micro frontends: my lessons learned by Natalia Venditto
Webpack 5 and Module Federation - A Microfrontend Revolution by Marais Rossouw
The Microfrontend Revolution – Part 2: Module Federation with Angular by Manfred Steyer
The Story of Micro Frontends by Ruben Casas
Lessons from DAZN: Scaling Your Project with Micro-Frontends
How We Build Micro Frontends by Jonathan Saring
Building Micro Frontend with SSR — Routing by Vlad Fedosov
Microfrontends: Escaping Version Hell with Module Federation by Manfred Steyer
Microservices frontend: module federation, an handsome promise by Julien Froidefond
Dynamic Module Federation with Angular - Loading microfrontends not known at compile time. by Manfred Steyer
“Module Federation Light”: Using Microfrontends With Angular Already Today by Manfred Steyer
The Microfrontend Revolution: Module Federation in Webpack 5 by Manfred Steyer
Webpack 5 Module Federation: A game-changer in JavaScript architecture (Medium) by Zack Jackson
Webpack 5 Module Federation: A game-changer in JavaScript architecture (IndepthDev) by Zack Jackson
Building Micro-Frontends With Single-spa, React, and Vue by Mayur Ingle
Introduction to Micro-Frontend Architecture by Mayur Ingle
Time for the microservice revolution on frontend? by Luca Mezzalira
Story behind Micro Frontends in Sabre by Kamil Thomas
Thoughts About Micro-Frontends in 2020 by JS Dev Ray
Let’s Build Micro Frontends with NextJS and Module Federation! by Yoav Ganbar
Micro-frontend in smallcase by Shubham Singh
Micro-frontends decisions framework by Luca Mezzalira
Micro-Frontend Architecture Patterns - Part 2: Backends for Frontends - A tailored approach for performant Micro Frontends. by David Leitner
Micro-Frontend Architecture Patterns - Part 1: Micro Frontends - A gentle Introduction. by David Leitner
Micro-frontend Architecture: Dynamic import chunks from another Webpack bundle at runtime. Interleaved Applications by Zack Jackson
Microfrontends: The Benefits of Microservices for Client-Side Development
Micro Frontend Architecture: Replacing a monolith from the inside out
The Strengths and Benefits of Micro Frontends by Bob Myers
React Microfrontends and Monorepos: A Perfect Match by Jason Jean
Modern Web Engineering & Micro Frontends by Ivaylo Pavlov
It's About Cutting Your Domain, Not (First And Foremost) About Micro Frontends! by Manfred Steyer(@ManfredSteyer)
2018 and earlier
Angular, React, Vue.Js And Co. Peacefully United Thanks To Micro Apps And Web Components
Micro Frontends - How I Built An SPA With Angular And React?
UI in Microservices World – Micro Frontends pattern and Web Components
Front-End Micro Services: Fragments: limitations, solutions and our approach
[DE-de] Micro-Frontends - Die bessere Art User Interfaces zu implementieren?
[DE-de] Micro-Frontends - Die bessere Art User Interfaces zu implementieren? Teil 2
[DE-de] Micro-Frontends - Die bessere Art User Interfaces zu implementieren? Teil 3
[DE-de] Micro-Frontends: Große Webprojekte modularer entwickeln
[DE-de] Vorteile von Micro frontend Architecturen für Enterprise Application
Serverless for Frontends by Florian Rappl
Rethinking Auth for SPAs and Micro Frontends: Easy and Secure With Gateways by Manfred Steyer
Beyond Micro Frontends: Frontend Moduliths for the Enterprise by Manfred Steyer
More Than Micro Frontends: 3 Further Use Cases for Module Federation by Manfred Steyer
The Microfrontend Revolution Module Federation with Angular by Manfred Steyer
6 Things You Should Know About MicroFrontends by Manfred Steyer
Micro Frontend Architecture Building an Extensible UI Platform by Erik Grijzen
Patterns for micro frontends by Erik Dörnenburg
Micro frontends: extending service-oriented architecture to frontend development by Jakub Sowiński
Web Components & Micro Apps: Angular, React & Vue peacefully united?
Micro-frontend: microservice architecture from your web apps
A Micro Frontends Future: Using Angular with React and Vue in Enterprise apps
A High-Performance Solution to Microservices UI Composition - Arif Wider & Alexey Gravanov
The Key to Scaling Single Page Applications, Micro Frontends | Webinar Presentation + Demo
Journey to Micro Frontends by Brendon Co
Software Architecture Patterns for Serverless Systems by John Gilbert
Micro Frontend & Micro Services - Build applications with Micro FE & Services by Muralikrishna T
The Art of Micro Frontends by Florian Rappl
Practical Module Federation by Zack Jackson & Jack Herrington
Enterprise Angular - DDD, Nx Monorepos and Micro Frontends by Manfred Steyer
Building Micro-frontends by Luca Mezzalira
Micro Frontends in Action by Michael Geers
Micro Frontends Architecture: Introduction, Design, Techniques & Technology by Ajay Kumar
- Micro frotends Conference 2024
- Micro frontends Conference 2023
- Professional Micro-Frontend Shared State Setup
- Micro-Frontends Course - Beginner to Expert
- Piral: Build highly modular applications fully flexible for large scale portal solutions
- TUI Modular Web Architecture
- Feature Hub - Create scalable web applications using micro frontends
- Webpack 5 Module Federation: start treating your component libraries as independently deployed services
- Qiankun: Blazing fast, simple and completed solution for micro frontends
- Single SPA: a javascript framework for front-end microservices
- Ara Framework: Build Micro-frontends easily using Airbnb Hypernova
- Icestark: Micro Frontends solution for large application
- Puzzle JS: Micro frontend framework for scalable and blazing fast websites
- One App: a fresh, modular take on web application development
- OpenComponents: Painless micro frontends delivery
- Misk-Web: a new micro-frontends Typescript + React web framework from Cash App
- Nut JS: a framework born for micro frontends
- Cellular JS: A Javascript framework implementation of "UI Focused State Oriented Architecture" grounded by MVP (Model View Presenter), with micro-frontends support
- Luigi: Micro frontend framework
- Microfronts: Polyglot Front-End Solution for running multiple frameworks as one
- Ngx Planet: A powerful, reliable, fully-featured and production ready Micro Frontend library for Angular.
- Mooa: A independent-deployment micro-frontend Framework for Angular from single-spa.
- Scalecube-js: Toolkit for working in microservices/micro-frontends architecture
- RollCake SPA: RollCakeSpa.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building micro-frontends UI on the web.
- Learn microfrontends with single-spa
- Module Federation video tutorials
- Micro Frontends and single-spa video tutorials
Toward Bundler-Independent Module Federations: Enabling Typed Micro-Frontend Architectures by B. Lando & W. Hasselbring (2025)
Implementing Digital Twins via micro-frontends, micro-services, and web 3D by B. Simoes et. al. (2024)
Micro-Frontends Integration Strategies: Breaking Boundaries by Al-Mashhadani, Omar (2024)
Micro Frontend Based Performance Improvement and Prediction for Microservices Using Machine Learning by N. Kaushik et al. (2024)
The advantages of Micro-Frontend architecture for developing web application by E. Gashi et al. (2024)
Exploring the technologies and architectures used to develop micro-frontend applications: A systematic mapping and emerging perspectives by V. Adriano & K. Farias (2024)
Patent on utilizing Micro-frontend style development to build a CRM Application by Tanmaya Gaur, Kevin Lau, Valeri Reeves, Shashank ReddyAnugu, Sreenivasulu Thimmanapalli, Gregory Wright
Applications of Micro-Frontend Application Development in a Customer Support CRM by Tanmaya Gaur (2024)
State Management Techniques and Options for Microfrontend Web Development by Tanmaya Gaur (2024)
Suitability of Micro-Frontends for an AI as a Service Platform by T. Kübra (2024)
The Future of Web Development: An In-depth Analysis of Micro-Frontend Approaches by N. Savani (2023)
State Management in Micro Frontends: Challenges and Strategies by N. Savani (2023)
Benefits, challenges, and performance analysis of a scalable web architecture based on micro-frontends by A. Petcu at al. (2023)
Scaling a Software Platform Using Micro Frontend by K. Zateishchikov (2023)
Managing Micro Frontends Across Multiple Tech Stacks - Sharing, Finding & Publishing by A. Simeunovic & U. Tripunovic (2023)
Experiences on a Frameworkless Micro-Frontend Architecture in a Small Organization by J. Männistö, Antti-Pekka Tuovinen et al. (2023)
Evaluating Micro Frontend Approaches for Code Reusability by Emilija Stefanovska & Vladimir Trajkovik (2023)
Moderation panel for the virtual event platform as a micro frontend module by Azizyan Samson (2022)
The Migration of a Large-Scale Web Application from Monolith to Micro-frontends by Xiao Zifan (2022)
Implementing Micro Frontends Using Signal-based Web Components by Yuma Nishizu, Tetsuo Kamina (2022)
[DE-de] Extrahieren von Micro-Frontends aus einer monolithischen Frontend Anwendung by Billy Lando (2022)
Design Systems for Micro Frontends - An Investigation into the Development of Framework-Agnostic Design Systems using Svelte and Tailwind CSS by M. C. Klimm (2021)
Enterprise-Level Migration to Micro Frontends in a Multi-Vendor Environment by I. Pölöskei1 and U. Bub (2021)
A Brief Review of Micro-frontends by Y.R. Prajwal et al. (2021)
Design Systems for Micro Frontends-An Investigation into the Development of Framework-Agnostic Design Systems using Svelte and Tailwind CSS by Marvin Christian Klimm (2021)
Micro frontend architecture for cross framework reusability in practice by Veerle Ongenae et al. (2021)
An Exploratory Study of Micro Frontends by Anna Montelius (2021)
From Backend to Frontend - Case study on adopting Micro Frontends from a Single Page ERP Application monolith by Kroiß Manuel (2021)
Motivations, Benefits, and Issues for Adopting Micro-Frontends: A Multivocal Literature Review by Severi Peltonen, Luca Mezzalira, Davide Taibi (2021)
Micro-frontends: application of microservices to web front-ends by Andrey Pavlenko et al. (2020)
A Novel Application of Educational Management Information System based on Micro Frontends by Daojiang Wang et al. (2020)
Plutt: A tool for creating type-safe and version-safe microfrontends by Julius Celik (2020)
Towards a Modular Architecture for Industrial HMIs by M. Shakil and A. Zoitl (2020)
Micro frontend architecture for cross framework reusability in practice by T. De Smet(2020)
Research and Application of Micro Frontends by Caifang Yang et al (2019)
[DE-de] Microservices Architekturen für Webanwendungen: Micro-Frontends by Billy Lando (2019)
[DE-de] Machbarkeit und Umsetzung einer Micro-Frontend Architektur mit WebComponents by Dominic Karnehm (2019)
[DE-de] Micro-Frontends by Matthias Baumann (2019)
- Micro Frontend can be managed with inside multiple repos or with monorepos by Manfred Steyer
- I don't understand micro frontend by Dan Abramov
- Micro frontends and monorepo by Victor Savkin
Implementation examples of module federation , by the creators of module federation
angular-react-microfrontend: Angular + React + NodeJS + MySQL