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Class: ResetGlobalConfig

Boris Jenicek edited this page Dec 20, 2021 · 4 revisions

Class: ResetGlobalConfig

// Instantiate config object as example below to change global settings on-fly it takes IGlobalUserConfig
as the argument.
new ResetGlobalConfig({
    colorList: {
           primary  : '#ff9e00', // optional shade of the overlay color
           secondary: '#989ea5', // optional
           info     : '#2f8ee5', // optional
           success  : '#3caea3', // optional
           warning  : '#ffc107', // optional
           danger   : '#e46464', // optional
           light    : '#fbfbfb', // optional
           dark     : '#343a40'  // optional



+ new ResetGlobalConfig(globalConfig?: IGlobalUserConfig): ResetGlobalConfig


Name Type
globalConfig? IGlobalUserConfig

Returns: ResetGlobalConfig

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