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Interface: IGlobalUserConfig

Boris Jenicek edited this page Dec 22, 2021 · 3 revisions

Interface: IGlobalUserConfig

Each property of {@link ColorList} represent a string which represent a color in hex or rgb/rgba format. For available color types(properties) check IColorTypes interface. Every color is optional, and it will reflect on dialog or button color types and its color contrast or variance.

// colorList object example. const colorList = { colorList: { primary : '#ff9e00', secondary: '#989ea5', info : '#2f8ee5', success : '#3caea3', warning : '#ffc107', danger : '#e46464', light : '#fbfbfb', dark : '#343a40', customOne : '#34fa40', customTwo : '#343f40', } }

## Properties

### colorList

• `Optional` **colorList**: [*IColorTypes*](../wiki/Interface:%20IColorTypes)
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