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Favourite Github Repositories

sinemKocoglu edited this page Mar 7, 2022 · 15 revisions

Here you can find the list of our favourite Github repositories. For each repository, brief explanations about the content and noteworthy features are provided.

  • This repository is composed of different algorithms and data structures implemented in Java. The repository belongs to William Fiset who is also creating Youtube videos about the same topics.
  • It is contribution-friendly, meaning that anyone can improve the repository by implementing new algorithms/data structures or improving the existing ones. Any contribution must comply with the rules provided in the wiki section.
  • It is an actively used repository with 53 issues, 24 pull requests, 45 contributors, 3.3k forks and 12.1k stars as of March 3, 2022.
  • I believe, this repository has an extremely organized and informative on the homepage with links provided for implementations and Youtube videos for theoretical explanations.
  • I've used this repository to implement various algorithms in Java and watched videos on Youtube. That's also why I selected it as my favourite Github repository.

Karahan Sarıtaş

  • This repository belongs to Justin Wetherell, who is a Lead Software Engineer at Nasdaq in the US and has more than 15 years of experience.
  • I have discovered this repository while I was searching for the implementation of the Edmonds-Karp Algorithm. I like the implementation at this repository very much because it is simpler and more understandable than implementations in other good websites such as geekforgeeks.
  • This repository has many other algorithm implementations about graphs and 9 different sorting methods in java, which makes it very useful for those learning data structures & algorithms.
  • It has 4k stars and 1.7k forks.

Sinem Koçoğlu

  • This repository is the current dominant deepfake framework for face-swapping. It provides the necessary tools as well as an easy-to-use way to conduct high-quality face-swapping. You can find more explanations here.
  • I have discovered this repository last year while I was searching for ways and tools to generate deepfake videos for my internship. I like this repository very much because it made my task way easier. It was really easy to implement.
  • I think this repository's page is really funny. There are several examples of face swapping of 'famous' politicians and it has a meme zone. Although there isn't a written explanation for the implementation, there are a lot of youtube videos for tutorials and examples that you can easily follow, which I prefer to written explanation. There is also a discord group for communication.

Sena Mumcu

  • This repository has been created for Ethereum smart contracts and it has ERC20 and ERC721 implementations.
  • Almost all code in the repo written in JavaScript and Solidity, a language established to write smart contracts.
  • The repository has over 300 contributors , over 8k forks and over 16k stars. Also they have a good file explaining its usage.
  • When I'm taking our university's Cmpe483: Blockchain Programming course in 2021 Fall, our NFT project was based on Open Zeppelin's ERC721 implementation.

Doğukan Türksoy

  • This is the repository of the open-source machine learning library Scikit-learn, which is built on Scipy.
  • This python programming library project started as a Google Summer of Code project in June 2007 and written mostly in Python, Cython and C++.
  • It has over 2000 contributors, close to 50k stars and 22.7k forks. It has still 1.7k open issues but for a project like this huge, it is quite understandable.
  • I have met this library when I was doing my internship on a Machine learning project then started actively studying the github repository for the Cmpe481 course. I was studying their implementation of the machine learning algorithms. Its documentation is excellent and the webpage is also quite useful and helped me a lot on my course projects. I think this project is certainly user-friendly and a good starting point for learning machine-learning algorithms.

Serdar Akol

  • Although this might not be the most original of GitHub repositories it is one of the most useful nonetheless.
  • This repository includes a plethora of free online resources including books, courses and interactive tutorials, for various programming languages.
  • The README page has a link to a very concise how-to page and has a very intuitive design for categorizing the resources, which is great for guiding the admittedly less experienced people in the right direction.
  • It also has a very detailed contribution guide for users with different levels of experience.
  • Even though understanding a certain level of English is considered necessary for programming, this repository caters to people from many different countries who might not be as comfortable as they wish in a foreign language, as it contains links to resources in many different languages.
  • Lastly it has a large and growing community with 221000+ stars, 6900+ commits, 1900+ contributors and 47100+ forks; hence the library of resources is frequently updated.

Elif Bayraktar

  • A complete study program to get a jot at FAANG companies. Anything related to software engineering and competitive programming can be found in this repository.
  • There are so many subjects you can choose from. There are readings about parallel programming, graphs, algorithms, competitive programming and also readings about math topics.
  • The repo is sponsored by OSS Capital and Gitpod.
  • Lastly repo has 212k stars and 57k forks.

Mustafa Cihan

  • When I first came across Pandas was I trying to display my projects data in a structured and pretty way for my Analysis of Alghorithms class and I've been using it from time to time with ease when I am dealing with a data project.
  • Its README page is documented in a organized and systematic fashion which is easy to understand with certain links to pandas website. When I first met with Pandas, I wasn't familiar with Github but even without knowing the core principles of github I could use their README page and implement it in my project without having any hard times so we could say it is very beginner friendly.
  • It has 32.9k stars, 14.1k forks and with over 2.5k contributors it is getting new features and fixes frequently.

Serhat Hebun Şimşek

  • This was the repository that first got me interested in AI. I wanted to understand the basic principles of a chess engine and to see the implementation. Even though ideas behind the implementation are complicated, the code is written in a beautiful way and it is definitely beneficial to ponder.
  • Stockfish 14.1(latest release) is currently the strongest chess engine in the world.
  • It is merely the community effort that created the world's strongest chess engine.
  • It includes a wiki page that explains techniques used in Stockfish with a lot of background information.
  • It has 5.9k stars and 2k forks. Thanks to the active community, the engine has been continuously developed over the last decade.
  • Lastly it is fascinating that the world's strongest chess engine is an open source project and freely available to everyone. With its assistance, every chess enthusiast can improve their game more efficiently.

Furkan Keskin

  • This repository gave my group a lot of useful ideas when we tried to make our own cloud gaming server.
  • It was a term project for the course of CMPE48A.
  • Thanks to the cloud, you only need to have stable internet to play the game, no matter how bad your hardware is.
  • It was really fun to do, cause we couldn't wait to play Minecraft on our own server.

Metehan Dündar

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