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352 Meeting Notes 8

Mehmet Efe Akça edited this page Sep 24, 2024 · 1 revision

📅 Date 04.04.2024

✔️ Participant List

  • Mehmet Efe AKCA
  • Nazire ATA
  • Enes BASER
  • Cagatay COLAK
  • Aslı GOK
  • Boray KASAP
  • Yiğit OKTAY
  • Yüksel Eren SEN
  • Atakan YASAR

📑 Agenda

  1. Deciding on what the topics of interest shall be
  2. Division of labor

📌 Action Items

  1. Class Diagrams
    1. Assignees: Ufuk, Enes
    2. Estimated Effort: 4 days
    3. Objects to be designed: User, Dish, Cuisine, Recipe, Food Type, Rating
  2. Use Case
    1. Assignees: Asli
    2. Estimated Effort: 3 days
    3. “What” of the system. A set of use cases, actors, and their relationships. Actors: User1, User2
  3. Sequence Diagram
    1. Assignees: Cagatay, Boray
    2. Estimated Effort: 2 days
    3. Look at the messages sent between objects over time. An interaction diagram that emphasizes the time-ordering of the messages.
    4. Make diagrams for:
      1. System fetching SparQL queries for the dish, and cuisine pages.
      2. All use-case diagrams.
  4. Activity Diagrams
    1. Assignees: Yigit
    2. Estimated Effort: 2 days
    3. Show the workflow and how objects interact with each other. “How” of the system.
  5. UI Design
    1. Assignees: Nazire, Mehmet Efe
    2. Estimated Effort: 3 days
    3. Components should be designed so that they’re implemented in the first step of the front-end implementation.
    4. Design pages according to the Requirements using the components in the previous step.
  6. Implementation Planning
    1. Will be done together, Reviewer: Atakan
    2. Estimated Effort: 1 day
    3. Decide on the code standards, code review process, and quality assurance process.
    4. Create the boilerplate of frontend and backend repos.
      1. A proper development setup should be complete.
      2. The folder structure of each repo should be determined.
      3. Testing should be integrated with CI.
      4. If time permits, CD can be considered.
      5. Versioning and branching should be standardized.

Additional Notes

Any questions about the systems shall be searched in the requirements folder first. If you cannot understand the specifications in the requirements, please make suggestions for the requirements.

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