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Milestone‐1 Deliverables

Nazire edited this page Oct 25, 2024 · 10 revisions

Project Status

Current Accomplishments

We mainly focused on the documentation deliverables for this milestone, as well as the backend, and frontend. We decided on what to show on our Customer Milestone presentation and focused on developing the features that we wanted to display.

In backend development, we implemented user management endpoints (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE for followers/following, Sign-up, Sign-in, and self-following) and introduced security filters for JWT-based authentication. Additionally, we worked on continuous deployment setup, fixed CI for the backend, and ensured authorization for all GET requests. On the frontend, we implemented components including the Profile Page, Question and Answer Cards, and Tag Search functionalities, alongside implementing the initial mobile components for the Answer, Question, and Tag views.

The documentation and DevOps teams also created our project structure by editing last year's requirements for this year’s specific needs. We also worked hard to create the Design Diagrams, in the light of the feedback we received for last year’s diagrams. We prepared use case, sequence, and activity diagrams, as well as detailing system, functional, and non-functional requirements. Additionally, the team organized the sidebar structure for CMPE451 documentation and set up templates for team-specific document workflows.

In-Prograss Work

Customer Feedback

Suggested Improvements

The improvements suggested by the customers will be discussed in the next team meeting and actions will be taken as soon as possible.

  • Deciding on specifications about tags: Can users create their own tags? Or do we only use WikiData to fetch tags?
  • Adding “levels” for questions: Beginner, Medium, Hard.
  • Including tags for libraries

Deliverables Status

Frontend Features

Individual Contributions



Atakan Yaşar

Tarık Can Özden

  • Responsibilities: Worked on functional requirements, milestone scenarios and research.

  • Main contributions: Wrote milestone scenarios and functional requirements for personalized recommendation system.

  • Issues:

  • Additional information: Researched personalized recommendation systems, document embedding techniques and encoder-only models like BERT for text similarities.

The Software

Milestone 3 🎯

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Personal Pages 🌟

Personal Efforts Pages 🌟

Document Templates 📂

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