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Building for Linux

Bianca van Schaik edited this page Aug 14, 2020 · 1 revision

Non-Ubuntu users

Please note: these instructions were created assuming you are using Ubuntu (or any other Debian-based Linux distro). If you're building Julius on a distro that does not use apt, you must use whatever app manager your distro uses in order to obtain the necessary dependencies.

In order to follow these instructions, you'll need to install the following packages first:

  • git
  • SDL2
  • SDL2_mixer
  • cmake
  • libpng (optional, a bundled copy will be used if not found)

Then skip steps 1. and 2. of the Ubuntu instructions.

Building for Ubuntu

In general, for Ubuntu, you only need to use a terminal window to install and run Julius. Also note that you need superuser (root) permissions to install the dependencies, by making use of sudo.

  1. Open a terminal window and type the following command to install all the needed dependencies:

     $ sudo apt install git libsdl2-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev cmake libpng-dev
  2. Depending on what you already have installed, apt may ask you to install many packages. Confirm the installation.

  3. Navigate to the directory where you want the repository folder to be installed. As an example, we're using the home folder:

     $ cd ~
  4. Clone the Julius github repository to your computer:

     $ git clone
  5. Move to the new julius directory:

     $ cd julius

    Optional: If you have already downloaded the Julius repository and only wish to update it (in order to build a newer version), instead of the previous three steps, do the following in a terminal window:

    a. Move to the julius directory where the repository was installed.

    b. Type:

         $ git pull origin master

    c. Proceed to step 6.

  6. Create a build directory and move to it:

     $ mkdir build && cd build
  7. Run cmake:

     $ cmake ..
  8. Build Julius:

     $ make

Success! Julius should have been built without any errors. Type ./julius to run it. Optionally you can also type make test to confirm that Julius is working properly.