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1. Add new scheme or state data to the dashboard

Shoaib Ahmed edited this page Aug 5, 2022 · 1 revision

This guide assumes that you have access to the Dashboard as an administrator.

Follow the steps to add a new scheme dataset on the dashboard:

  1. Click on the Add Dataset button on the top left.

  2. Fill the fields as required.

  3. Make sure the visibility is set to Public.

  4. Add the following three required Custom Fields at the end of the form:

    • displayName - value should be what is required to use as the title on the dashboard.
    • schemeType - eg: Centrally Sponsored Scheme
    • slug - slug for the scheme. e.g.: nhm for National Health Mission

You can use previously uploaded schemes as a reference.

  1. Click the Next: Add Data button to add resources.
  2. Upload the xlsx format file.
  3. Add the name and description as required. Type xlsx in the format section.
  4. Click the Finish button to create the new dataset.

Important: New Scheme or State file requires a logo for the front-end.

  1. Add the logo file to public/Images/schemesLogo (stateLogo for state files).
  2. Import the logo file and export it in the schemeData object in the utils/schemeData.js file.
  3. Make sure the naming is consistent everywhere.
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