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Typical Formats

Cervinakuy edited this page Oct 23, 2022 · 7 revisions


A typical sound section format in configuration files.

  • Sound - the specific sound itself, full list available here
  • Pitch - the sound pitch, allowed values ranging from -1 (deepest pitch) to 2 (highest pitch)
  • Enabled - whether the sound is enabled
  Pitch: 1
  Enabled: true


A typical command section format in configuration files.


  • All commands plugin-wide follow the exact same format
  • All commands support PlaceholderAPI placeholders, assuming PlaceholderAPI and its respective expansions are installed
  • All command sections have an unlimited number of commands
  • Commands are run in order of appearance in the list
  • Built-in placeholders supported:
    • %player% - the name of the player
    • %uuid% - the UUID of the player

By default, most, if not all, Commands sections in default configuration files will be set to the following:

Commands: []

This signifies an empty list of commands. To add one, simply create a list following the format 'sender: command'. It is absolutely critical to include ' (single quotes) around an entire command phrase. Without the single quotes, the command will not be run and may cause other unexpected behaviors to occur. Additionally, unlike in Minecraft, commands should not begin with a / (slash).

Prefix sender types

  • console - runs commands from console
  • player - runs commands from the player

Example of a command section

- 'console: say Hello, this command is run from the console!'
- 'console: eco give %player% 100'
- 'player: spawn'

The above code would execute /say Hello, this command is run from the console! from the console, followed by /eco give %player% 100 again from the console, and finally /spawn from the player.

Sample usages

Commands can be used to extend the plugin's reach to integration of other plugins, like some of the following:

  • 'console: eco give %player% 10' - would give the player $10 if Vault is installed
  • 'player: hub' - would teleport the player back to the hub if a hub plugin is installed