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Cervinakuy edited this page Nov 11, 2020 · 4 revisions

The default built-in menu feature to easily access and select kits.

For those interested in a more advanced menu experience, plugins such as DeluxeMenus, AnimatedMenu, or ChestCommands can offer that functionality. KitPvP only features a simple and streamlined menu experience. Please see the Items section for more details on incorporating an alternative menu system.

A copy of the default menu.yml can be found here.


General Settings

Items Section



Title of the kit menu. Supports color codes.

File Snippet
    Title: 'Kits'


Size of the kit menu. Valid values: 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54. Each one adds a new GUI line.

File Snippet
    Size: 54


This section holds all the individual menu item sections.

  • <slot number> - the section header is the menu slot number, with 0 being the first slot
    • Name - name displayed in the menu
    • Material - material of the menu item
    • Lore - lore of the menu item
    • Commands - commands section
      • Left-Click - commands executed upon left click on this menu item, commands follow typical Commands format
      • Right-Click - commands executed upon right click on this menu item, commands follow typical Commands format
Sample Menu Item
      Name: '&a&lExample Kit'
      Material: WOOD_SWORD
      - '&7This is the example of a custom'
      - '&7kit you can create using KitPvP.'
      - '&7You can make a custom kit using your'
      - '&7own inventory, potion effects, and enchantments'
      - '&7using /kp create kitName. Make sure to add it to'
      - '&7the menu.yml!'
        - 'player: kp kit Example'
        - 'player: kp preview Example'