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Andrew Lambert edited this page Jan 8, 2023 · 10 revisions


libcURL supports several proxy types, but basic use is the same for all of them. To enable proxying on an instance of EasyHandle or cURLClient, specify the proxy address, port, type, username, etc. to the appropriate instance of ProxyEngine (e.g. EasyHandle.ProxyEngine, cURLClient.Proxy).


This example performs a synchronous HTTP GET request on the calling thread using a SOCKS5 proxy server.

  Dim curl As New cURLClient
  curl.Proxy.Address = "" ' setting the address enables proxying
  curl.Proxy.Port = 1081 ' default is 1080
  curl.Proxy.Username = "foo" ' optional
  curl.Proxy.Password = "bar" ' optional
  curl.Proxy.Type = libcURL.ProxyType.SOCKS5 

  If curl.Get("") Then
    Dim page As String = curl.GetDownloadedData()
  End If
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