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Andrew Lambert edited this page Jan 14, 2023 · 27 revisions


Class Declaration

 Protected Class MultipartForm
 Inherits libcURL.cURLHandle


This class represents an HTTP form that will be encoded using the multipart/form-data format. Form elements are stored as a (read only) list of form elements.

Use the AddElement method to add an element to the form. Form elements contents may be either a String, a MemoryBlock, a FolderItem, an array of FolderItems, or an object which implements the Readable interface.

Once the MultipartForm is constructed you can pass it to the EasyHandle.SetFormData method, or to the EasyHandle.SetOption method using libcURL.Opts.HTTPPOST as the option number.


Dim frm As New libcURL.MultipartForm
frm.AddElement("username", "Bob")
frm.AddElement("fileupload", SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child("foo.bin"))
Dim curl As New libcURL.EasyHandle
Call curl.SetOption(libcURL.Opts.HTTPPOST, frm)
Call curl.Perform("", 5)

You may also convert a Dictionary into a new MultipartForm. If you pass a Dictionary to a method that expects a MultipartForm (for example, cURLClient.Post), then the Dictionary will be converted automatically.

Event Definitions


Shared methods

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