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Seq2Seq-BERT -- a pytorch implementation

Seq2seq with attention mechanism is a basic model for single turn dialog. In addition, batch normalization and dropout has been applied. You can also choose beamsearch, greedy, random sample, random sample from top k when decoding.

BERT is a widely-used pretrained language model. We use it as encoder.

You can refer to the following paper for details:

Sutskever, I., Vinyals, O., & Le, Q. V. (2014). Sequence to sequence learning with neural networks. In Advances in neural information processing systems (pp. 3104-3112).

Bahdanau, D., Cho, K., & Bengio, Y. (2015). Neural machine translation by jointly learning to align and translate. In International Conference on Learning Representation.

Devlin J, Chang M W, Lee K, et al. (2019). Bert: Pre-training of deep bidirectional transformers for language understanding. In North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics.

Require Packages

  • python3
  • cotk
  • pytorch == 1.0.0
  • tensorboardX >= 1.4
  • pytorch-pretrained-bert>=0.6.0

Quick Start

  • Execute python to train the model.
    • The default dataset is OpenSubtitles. You can use --dataset to specify other dataloader class and --datapath to specify other data path (can be a local path, a url or a resources id). For example: --dataset OpenSubtitles --datapath resources://OpenSubtitles
    • It doesn't use pretrained word vector by default setting. You can use --wvclass to specify wordvector class and --wvpath to specify pretrained word embeddings. For example: --wvclass gloves. For example: --dataset Glove --datapath resources://Glove300
    • If you don't have GPUs, you can add --cpu for switching to CPU, but it may cost very long time for either training or test.
  • You can view training process by tensorboard, the log is at ./tensorboard.
    • For example, tensorboard --logdir=./tensorboard. (You have to install tensorboard first.)
  • After training, execute python --mode test --restore best for test.
    • You can use --restore filename to specify checkpoints files, which are in ./model. For example: --restore pretrained-opensubtitles for loading ./model/pretrained-opensubtitles.model
    • --restore last means last checkpoint, --restore best means best checkpoints on dev.
    • --restore NAME_last means last checkpoint with model named NAME. The same as--restore NAME_best.
  • Find results at ./output.


    usage: [-h] [--name NAME] [--restore RESTORE] [--mode MODE]
              [--eh_size EH_SIZE] [--dh_size DH_SIZE] [--droprate DROPRATE]
              [--batchnorm] [--decode_mode {max,sample,gumbel,samplek,beam}]
              [--top_k TOP_K] [--length_penalty LENGTH_PENALTY]
              [--dataset DATASET] [--datapath DATAPATH] [--epoch EPOCH]
              [--wvclass WVCLASS] [--wvpath WVPATH] [--bert_model BERT_MODEL]
              [--bert_vocab BERT_VOCAB] [--out_dir OUT_DIR]
              [--log_dir LOG_DIR] [--model_dir MODEL_DIR]
              [--cache_dir CACHE_DIR] [--cpu] [--debug] [--cache]

    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      --name NAME           The name of your model, used for tensorboard, etc.
                            Default: runXXXXXX_XXXXXX (initialized by current
      --restore RESTORE     Checkpoints name to load. "NAME_last" for the last
                            checkpoint of model named NAME. "NAME_best" means the
                            best checkpoint. You can also use "last" and "best",
                            defaultly use last model you run. Attention:
                            "NAME_last" and "NAME_best" are not guaranteed to work
                            when 2 models with same name run in the same time.
                            "last" and "best" are not guaranteed to work when 2
                            models run in the same time. Default: None (don't load
      --mode MODE           "train" or "test". Default: train
      --eh_size EH_SIZE     Size of encoder GRU
      --dh_size DH_SIZE     Size of decoder GRU
      --droprate DROPRATE   The probability to be zerod in dropout. 0 indicates
                            for don't use dropout
      --batchnorm           Use bathnorm
      --decode_mode {max,sample,gumbel,samplek,beam}
                            The decode strategy when freerun. Choices: max,
                            sample, gumbel(=sample), samplek(sample from topk),
                            beam(beamsearch). Default: beam
      --top_k TOP_K         The top_k when decode_mode == "beam" or "samplek"
      --length_penalty LENGTH_PENALTY
                            The beamsearch penalty for short sentences. The
                            penalty will get larger when this becomes smaller.
      --dataset DATASET     Dataloader class. Default: OpenSubtitles
      --datapath DATAPATH   Directory for data set. Default:
      --epoch EPOCH         Epoch for trainning. Default: 100
      --wvclass WVCLASS     Wordvector class, none for not using pretrained
                            wordvec. Default: Glove
      --wvpath WVPATH       Directory for pretrained wordvector. Default:
      --bert_model BERT_MODEL
                            Directory for pretrained wordvector. Default: bert-
      --bert_vocab BERT_VOCAB
                            Directory for pretrained wordvector. Default: bert-
      --out_dir OUT_DIR     Output directory for test output. Default: ./output
      --log_dir LOG_DIR     Log directory for tensorboard. Default: ./tensorboard
      --model_dir MODEL_DIR
                            Checkpoints directory for model. Default: ./model
      --cache_dir CACHE_DIR
                            Checkpoints directory for cache. Default: ./cache
      --cpu                 Use cpu.
      --debug               Enter debug mode (using ptvsd).
      --cache               Use cache for speeding up load data and wordvec. (It
                            may cause problems when you switch dataset.)

An example of tensorboard

Execute tensorboard --logdir=./tensorboard, you will see the plot in tensorboard pages.

An example of test output

Execute python --mode test --restore best

The output will be in ./output/[name]_[dev|test].txt:

For developer

  • You should remain similar output in this task.




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  • Python 87.1%
  • Cuda 11.0%
  • C++ 1.9%