Code and sample data for the MSK-CHORD paper (public version). Available under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. NOTE: do NOT upload PHI
Python 3.10 Library dependencies: pandas (1.5.3), numpy (1.24.3), matplotlib (3.7.1), seaborn (0.12.2), statsmodels (0.14.0), lifelines (0.27.7), sksurv (scikit-survival 0.20.0). () = tested on this version
Installation: see specific libraries for details. Expected install time ~15min
Sample flat files containing characteristics for the MSK-CHORD cohort including follow-up time and mortality status (note: full data available on cBioPortal)
--msk_chord_figures.ipynb: jupyter notebook using the files in data to reproduce the figures in the manuscript. Expected run time ~5min standalone python file to train and 5-fold cross validate several random survival forests (RSFs) grouped by class of variable on the files in data. Default file locations provided in the body of the python script.
Expected run time: up to ~2 hours if all variable groupings are included. Using the example (only demographics and genomics for two cancer types) ~15 min
--NLP folder: contains scripts with regex/rule based methods as well as the clinical-longformer used to predict survival ("radLongformer"). NOTE these are meant to be run on PHI so sample data is not provided. For additional examples using BERT and its variant architectures to train and validate NLP classifiers see