R package to generate results as per Sun et al,. 2021, Genetic associations of protein-coding variants in human disease
- allelic_het_simulator - simulates allelic heterogenity between two population cohorts and computes the resuting IVW-uplift.
- surface_plots - outputs surface plots for the observed (i.e., simulated) and expected (i.e., theoretically predicted) values for IVW-uplift across a range of MAFs and allelic enrichment values.
- figure_4_mr_clust - function which performs clustered Mendelian randomization and outputs results as per figures 4a-d.
- install.packages("devtools")
- library(devtools)
- install_github("cnfoley/Sun-et-al-2021-protein-coding-variants-in-human-disease", build_vignettes = FALSE)
- install_github("cnfoley/mrclust", build_vignettes = TRUE)
- library(Sun-et-al-2021-protein-coding-variants-in-human-disease)
- browseVignettes("Sun-et-al-2021-protein-coding-variants-in-human-disease")