Incorporate Lessons from Drought Monitor Application
The purpose of this release was to make the software more robust and to improve the Drought Monitor Application
- Algorithm arrays can now be multi-threaded. This allows an algorithm with multiple S3 data sources to fetch the data
in parallel before doing the computation, speeding up the process. See #343 - Improvements to AWS interface. See #336
- Added budgeting / billing capability to manage AWS resources. See #361
- Added GeoTIFF export / import capability. Lots of work with geotransforms in the Coordinates object. See #364.
- Nodes can now have multiple output channels. This support multispectral or multichannel data. See #348.
Bug Fixes
- When intersecting time coordinate of different precision, no intersection would result. See #344
- Fixed
datasource serialization 55fcf30
Backwards Incompatible Changes
- The H5PY, CSV, and Zarr nodes interfaces were unified as such, the following attributes have changed:
- datakey --> data_key
- latkey --> lat_key
- lonkey --> lon_key
- altkey --> alt_key
- timekey --> time_key
- keys --> available_keys
- CSV.lat_col --> lat_key
- CSV.lon_col --> lon_key
- CSV.time_col --> time_key
- CSV.alt_col --> alt_key