This pipeline can be used to generate AI-predicted brain masks and skull-stripped images for pediatric patients with multi-parametric MRIs. It was trained using the nnU-Net framework on a multi-institutional, heterogeneous dataset.
Dependencies include:
- Python 3.9
- PyTorch
- nnUNet v1
The package will run nnUNet testing/inference with the pre-trained auto-skull-stripping model on the input files.
Ariana Familiar, PhD, Center for Data-Driven Discovery in Biomedicine (D3b), Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Required inputs: Following pre-processed multi-parametric pediatric brain MRI scans:
- T1-weighted pre-contrast (T1w)
- T1-weighted post-contrast (T1w post-contrast)
- T2-weighted (T2w)
- T2-weighted FLAIR (T2w-FLAIR)
Input files (raw data) must be located in an directory folder and named with the following format: [subID]_[imageID]...[.nii/.nii.gz]
where the imageID for each image type is:
Image type | imageID | nnUNet naming |
T2w-FLAIR | FL | 0000 |
T1w | T1 | 0001 |
T1w post-contrast | T1CE | 0002 |
T2w | T2 | 0003 |
NOTE: the exact file format is required with an underscore: [subID]_[imageID]
For example:
Configured to run on CPU.
Build the image locally:
docker build -t afam00/peds-brain-auto-skull-strip:0.0.0 .
Push the image to the Docker Hub:
docker image push afam00/peds-brain-auto-skull-strip:0.0.0
From within the directory:
docker build -t peds-brain-auto-skull-strip .
docker run --rm peds-brain-auto-skull-strip
- nnUNet-based skull-stripping using multi-parametric brain MRI scans as input: Version 1
- Isensee, F., Jaeger, P.F., Kohl, S.A.A. et al. "nnU-Net: a self-configuring method for deep learning-based biomedical image segmentation." Nat Methods (2020).
This software includes third party open source software components with their own licenses:
- nnUnet: Apache-2.0 license :