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Technological Examination

George Marashilian edited this page Apr 4, 2017 · 2 revisions



High-level features or requirements. Are some features more important than others? One way of prioritizing features is to divide them into two classes: essential and desirable.


The technologies that will be used during developing the project will be for backend - Laravel, Eloquent ORM, Composer. For front-end we will use HTML, CSS, JavaScript and some already made plugins based on JavaScript. Further description of the technologies can be found below:

  • Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web framework intended for the development of web applications following the model–view–controller (MVC) architectural pattern. It is based on OOP principles.

  • Eloquent ORM is an advanced PHP implementation of the active record pattern, providing at the same time internal methods for enforcing constraints on the relationships between database objects. Following the active record pattern, Eloquent ORM presents database tables as classes, with their object instances tied to single table rows.

  • Composer is an application-level package manager for the PHP programming language that provides a standard format for managing dependencies of PHP software and required libraries.

  • Hypertext Markup Language, a standardized system for tagging text files to achieve font, colour, graphic, and hyperlink effects on World Wide Web pages.

  • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language.

  • JavaScript is a full-fledged dynamic programming language that, when applied to an HTML document, can provide dynamic interactivity on websites.

  • Plugins like Owl carousel which allows use to show moving pictures. Font Awesome which gives the opportunity to use good-looking icons, YoYoRating which allows us to show rating stars and connect them to backend when user votes.

Application Process


  • Register

When a person goes to the registration page, he will be asked to fill in a form. The fields he/she has to fill will be: name, email, password, confirm password, date of birth. He also has to choose if he wants to be a instructor or a student.

If he wants to be instructor he has to fill in what is his/her level of education, which universities he/she attended, what are the courses he/she can teach, further description of himself/herself.

If he chooses to be a student he has to choose which university he attends and his specialty. After registration if the person wants to be a lecturer he will go to a page that will tell him/her that he has to be confirmed and we email him for a skype interview or any other kind of examination.

If a person wants to be student he is redirected to a page in which there will be a search field to find suitable instructors.

  • Login

The person will be asked to fill in his email and password. If he is a student it will be redirected to the search again. If the person is an instructor he/she will be redirected to a page with all of his/her requests from students. On the login page there will be also a link for registration and reset password.


There will be short information about the platform and login and register form. Links for how a university can join us

  • Instructor’s views


Navigation bar with links to profile editing, requests, logout. Header Footer

Homepage includes: Table with all of the request from students with option to view details about them.

Profile page

In the page the user will be able to edit his/her personal information.

  • Student’s views


Navigation bar with links to profile editing, requests, logout. Header Footer


Search field to find suitable, courses or specific topics. After seeing results the user will be able to view the profile of instructor and its rating.

Profile page

In the page the user will be able to edit his/her personal information.

Requests page

In which, there will be all of the requests a user made to instructor. There will be the status - confirmed or not, view details and option to edit request.
