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gtsummary 1.5.1

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@ddsjoberg ddsjoberg released this 21 Jan 00:57

New Functions

  • Added new function modify_column_alignment() to updated column alignment. Function is a wrapper for the more complex modify_table_styling() function.

  • New function tbl_strata2() that passes both the the stratified data frame as well as the stratum level to the user function. (#1091)

  • Added a add_p.tbl_continuous() method for adding p-values to tbl_continuous() tables. (#1023)

  • Added add_overall.tbl_continuous() method. (#1037)

New Functionality

  • New test option "emmeans" in add_difference() and add_p() uses the {emmeans} package to estimate marginal means/least-squares means for continuous variables, binary variables and random intercept models. (#1112)

  • Column alignment is now recognized in as_kable() and as_kable_extra(). Previously, the alignment utilized the kable() defaults and ignored any alignment instructions included in the gtsummary table styling.

  • The as_kable_extra() was updated to utilize kableExtra::column_spec() and kableExtra::cell_spec() to apply bold and italic styling. The choice of the function depends on the use of escape= in knitr::kable() (#1107)

  • Default arguments to knitr::kable() may now be overwritten by passing ... to either as_kable() or as_kable_extra(). Previously, passing a user-defined argument previously in use would result in error.

  • Added tbl_strata(.header=) argument providing greater control over the stratum headers that are added to the tables, e.g. you can now add Ns to the headers using this argument.

  • Added add_p.tbl_cross(test.args=) argument. (#1095)

  • The tbl_strata(.combine_args=) has been added that lets you control all arguments in the tbl_merge() or tbl_stack() that occurs in tbl_strata(). (#1090)

  • Added the add_ci(pattern=) argument, which makes it easier to merge the CI column with the primary statistics column. (#1029)

  • Suppress tbl_merge() spanning headers by passing tbl_merge(tab_spanner = FALSE) (#1067)

  • Functions as_tibble(), as_kable(), and as_kable_extra() gain the fmt_missing= argument that applies missing symbols to missing values. The as_tibble() argument defaults to FALSE, while the others' default is TRUE. (#1073)

  • Adding tbl_regression( and tbl_uvregression( argument. For some models, the confidence interval adds to the computation time significantly and may not be needed. This argument will omit the CI calculation. (#1052)

  • The add_stat() function was updated to accept tbl_continuous() tables.

  • Multinomial models computed using MICE are now supported. (#1065)

  • Added theme element to control the tbl_regression( default argument.

  • It is now possible to pass a single tbl to tbl_merge(). This is useful when using tbl_merge() as a helper in other functions. (#1068)

  • Added statistics= and digits= arguments to the add_overall() family of functions. (#1047)

  • Added digits= argument to tbl_cross(). (#1046)

Other Updates

  • Allowed modification to font_size for compact theme. (#1106)

  • Automatically reduced vertical white space between columns for compact flextable theme.

  • Improved user interface for modify_*() functions (#1064)

  • Improved error messaging throughout the package. (#1050)

  • Added link to the syntax help file to functions throughout the package. The syntax help file illustrates how to use the gtsummary selectors and details the formula-list notation. (#981)

  • Updated Spanish translation for Wilcoxon Rank-sum Test.

  • Updates and additions to Portuguese language translations. (#1098)

  • Updates to the French translations.

  • Updating the add_overall() S3 method to have a more common structure, e.g. add_overall(x, ....), where previously, the ... were not present. (#1066)

  • Updated the theme_gtsummary_journal("qjecon") to set tbl_regression( = FALSE) by default.

  • Improved error messaging in tbl_custom_summary()

  • Updated the default formatting functions in tbl_custom_summary(). Previously, summaries with character results erred because the default summary function was style_number(). This has been updated to style_sigfig() for numeric columns, and as.character() for everything else. (#983)

  • All style_*() functions will retain attribute, such as the names. (#1035, #1031, #981)

  • The add_n.tbl_regression() (which is also utilized in tbl_uvregression()) was adding the N column without applying a formatting function. The style_number() function has now been added as the default styler. (#1022)

  • Added class "tbl_continuous" to the output of tbl_continuous().

  • Adding add_p() test "mcnemar.test.wide" to calculate the p-value when the data are stored in a wide format, e.g. one column for a before value and a second column for after. The other McNemar test variant available in {gtsummary} expects data in a long format.

  • Converted tbl_split() to S3 function.

  • Update how calls to gt::fmt_missing() are constructed to be more memory efficient.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix in add_significance_stars() that led to an error when the summarized model did not have a confidence interval column.

  • Fix in as_flex_table() and as_hux_table() where reference row was not properly placed after a tbl_merge() when the merged tables share common categorical variables but different reference rows. (#1063)

  • Fix in inline_text.gtsummary() where the first level of a categorical variable could not be selected if the table had also been processed with remove_row_type(). (#1078)

  • Fix in modify_table_styling(cols_merge_pattern) when it is used with tbl_stack() followed by tbl_merge(). (#1057)

  • Bug fix in separate_p_footnotes() where test names were not being translated when theme_gtsummary_language() was set. (#1055)

  • Fix in tbl_merge() when rows in a merging table are not present in the first table. (#1033)

  • Fix in as_tibble() for nnet::multinom() regression models.

  • Fix in tbl_continuous() when include= is not specified.

  • Fix in tbl_regression() when a tidier returns CI columns that are all missing. (#1012)

  • Fix in add_p()/add_difference() when check whether the passed test is an internal method or a custom method. The previous code required Suggested packages, such as, {lme4}, {effectsize}, and {survey}, to be installed. (#1018)

Breaking Changes

  • No longer exporting assert_package(). It has been migrated to {broom.helpers} and we now use broom.helpers::.assert_package(). (#1051)