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Week 11 Stand up

Winifredliang edited this page Oct 29, 2018 · 1 revision

What has been done:

User Testing Questions

Winifred and Nick have refined the questions to be used for user testing. The feedback from tutors in week 9's standup was that the questions proposed were too general and that it wasn't clear what kind of feedback from users the team was expecting. Hence Winifred and Nick went back and in short, defined the aspects the team wanted feedback on (Features, Navigation, and Aesthetics) to produce more specific and productive questions.

Conducting User Testing

All members of the team had to find a group of users to conduct the user test on. Since the prototype was online, we were all able to conduct user tests both physically with, and apart from our users. The surveys were split into 3 forms for the children interface and they were all given a link to the prototype. Similarly for the parent interface, a link was given to the parent interface prototype although there was only 1 form that tested all 3 aspects mentioned previously.

Producing the next prototype

After gathering the data from user testing and analyzing the results, the team decided to change some design components of the prototype and eventually removed and added certain functionalities. Vivian and Winifred worked on designing and creating the digital prototype on figma while Nick researched into databases and methods of implementing some functionality in code.

Feedback from tutor:

  • Seem to be falling behind in terms of development - perhaps we spent too much time on digital prototyping and user testing
  • Survey questions were much better and user feedback was actionable

Reflection and Plan:

We had to get started on development and work through that quickly. We also had to produce a poster and promotional material for the exhibition.