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@github-actions github-actions released this 06 Jul 15:42


  • Updated dependencies
    • Argo CD 4.9.11
    • Sealed Secrets 2.3.0
    • Kube Prometheus Stack 36.2.1
    • MetalLB 3.0.10
    • Traefik 10.24.0
    • cert-manager 1.9.0-beta.0
    • CSI NFS driver v4.2.0
    • cfctl 0.13.0+9004
  • Use Helm subcharts to avoid hard-coding inside Argo CD applications
  • Scripts has been moved, renamed or included direcly inside cfctl
  • Various Packer fixes
  • Documentation: added pages about the cli (#41)
  • Documentation: added pages about setting a repository for GitOps
  • Documentation: added Algolia

Breaking Changes

cfctl replaces k0sctl (#35)

To migrate:

  • Delete and never use k0sctl inside the ./bin/ directory. To be safe delete the bin directory inside the cluster factory directory.
  • Call . ./scripts/ to install the dependencies.
  • Rename k0sctl.yaml to cfctl.yaml.
  • Inside the cfctl.yaml, change to
  • Inside the cfctl.yaml, delete the part about Install CNI plugins and Fix Kubelet directory.
  • Use cfctl for deployment. The documentation is written here: cfctl.

Helm values are no more hard-coded inside Argo CD applications (#57)

To migrate:

  1. Move the values from the Argo CD application to the helm/ or helm-subcharts/ directories by create a values file (like values-production.yaml.
  2. Change the repoURL to your fork. Example:
  # You should have forked this repo. Change the URL to your fork.
  repoURL:<your account>/cluster-factory-ce-configs.git
  targetRevision: HEAD
  path: helm-subcharts/kube-prometheus-stack
    releaseName: prometheus

    skipCrds: true

    # If the values file is not `values.yaml`:
      - values-production.yaml
  1. Commit and push the values-production.yaml file. In the example, it would be helm-subcharts/kube-prometheus-stack/values-production.yaml.

  2. Delete the application and recreate it.

If there are no subchart, create a subchart inside the helm-subcharts/ directory:

apiVersion: v2
name: kube-prometheus-stack-subchart
description: Kube Prometheus Stack subchart
type: application
version: 36.2.1
appVersion: '36.2.1'

  - name: kube-prometheus-stack
    version: 36.2.1

Full Changelog: v0.6.1...v0.7.0