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SortBox: Examples

Damian Monogue edited this page Feb 7, 2021 · 1 revision

Enough talk, show me the code

Ok, alright, fine, yeeeeeesh.

local TimerGauge = require("MDK.timergauge")
local SortBox = require("MDK.sortbox")

local baseCss = [[
  border-width: 4px;
  border-radius: 7;
local myCss1 = baseCss .. [[
  border-color: red;
  background-color: green;
local myCss2 = baseCss .. [[
  border-color: green;
  background-color: red;
testVBox = SortBox:new({
  name = "testVBox",
  x = 400,
  y = 100,
  height = 150,
  width = 300,

testGauge1 = testGauge1 or TimerGauge:new({
  name = "testTimerGauge1",
  height = 40,
  width = 200,
  time = 30,
  showTimer = true,
  timerCaption = " Test1",
  timeFormat = "S.t",
  prefix = "testTimerGauge ",
  cssFront = myCss2,
  cssBack = myCss1,
  cssText = baseCss,
  active = true,
  manageContainer = true,
  v_policy = Geyser.Fixed,
  hook = function() echo("\nThis is testGauge1's hook!\n") end,
}, testVBox)

testGauge2 = testGauge2 or TimerGauge:new({
  name = "testTimerGauge2",
  height = 40,
  width = 200,
  time = 180,
  showTimer = true,
  timerCaption = " Test2",
  timeFormat = "hh:MM:ss",
  prefix = " ",
  cssFront = myCss1,
  cssBack = myCss2,
  cssText = baseCss,
  active = true,
  manageContainer = true,
  v_policy = Geyser.Fixed,
  hook = function() echo("\nThis is testGauge2's hook!\n") end,
}, testVBox)

testGauge3 = testGauge3 or TimerGauge:new({
  name = "testTimerGauge3",
  height = 40,
  width = 200,
  time = 10,
  showTimer = true,
  timerCaption = " Test1",
  timeFormat = "S.t",
  prefix = "testTimerGauge ",
  cssFront = myCss2,
  cssBack = myCss1,
  cssText = baseCss,
  active = true,
  manageContainer = true,
  v_policy = Geyser.Fixed,
  hook = function() echo("\nThis is testGauge3's hook!\n") end,
}, testVBox)

testGauge4 = testGauge4 or TimerGauge:new({
  name = "testTimerGauge4",
  height = 40,
  width = 200,
  time = 65,
  showTimer = true,
  timerCaption = " Test4",
  timeFormat = "S.t",
  prefix = "testTimerGauge ",
  cssFront = myCss2,
  cssBack = myCss1,
  cssText = baseCss,
  active = true,
  manageContainer = true,
  v_policy = Geyser.Fixed,
  hook = function() echo("\nThis is testGauge4's hook!\n") end,
}, testVBox)

Produces output that looks like the picture below. The gif is jerkier than it is in reality.

Ok, but what does all that mean?

Like any other Geyser object, SortBox takes a table of options, and the container it should be placed into. It has all the usual options of a Geyser Container, and a full list of options is available in the API Docs