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Sprint 5

Kenny Clark edited this page May 9, 2016 · 8 revisions

#Sprint 5#

##Meeting 1: Location/Time##

  • Location: Various, Online.
  • Sunday, May 8th, 2016
  • 6:00pm to End of Day.


  1. Dale Brauer
  2. Gaofei Zhao
  3. Kenny Clark
  4. Robert Fink
  5. Xiang Li

#Sprint 5 - Milestone Targets# ##General## ###Sprint Documentation###

  • Continued to combine all Sprint documentation + RAD into single document.
  • Continued to update Table of Contents both on the Wiki and the documentation.
    • Added a Sprint 5 section to the wiki.
    • Finalized Wiki on GitHub

##User Interface## ###Continued UI Work###

  • Fixed up some of the issues we had shown during the presentation such as the UI mess on the registration page, and updated the UI on the messenger page.

##Other## ###Application is Web Accessible###

###Data Visualization###

##Testing## ###Internal Testing###

  • Continued testing as we develop.
    • Began messing with GitHub issues, something we realized we should have probably used in the earlier sprints.

###External Testing###

  • We did not get a chance to test our system with someone outside of the class; hence, we did not test it out with anyone outside of CS/IT.
    • We understand that CS/IT students, especially those who are working on projects similar to ours were not the best individuals to test our application.
    • If this application would be implemented into the real world, then we would need to make sure to test it with many potential users as possible including different age groups, less "tech-savvy" people, etc.

##Documentation## ###Readme###

  • Updated the GitHub readme
    • Link to Click Here
    • Adding a deployment section
    • This will be attached to our documentation after the Sprint 5 section.
  • Finalized the ERD + Sprint Documentation.
    • Moved README down from sprint 4 to below sprint 5 on the documentation

###What remains to be done?###

  • CSS cleanup/retooling
    • We still have a lot of CSS cleaning up to do. Pages such as messenger still need to be better put together, so that elements do not overlap each other, get cut off, etc.
    • If this project would continue on, we would like to create our own theme for the application, instead of using the default bootstrap theme.
  • Profile picture uploads
    • Like many of the other groups we struggled to implement a picture upload system. If we would have had more time, and had a larger scope for the project, this would be something that we would have really liked to implement.


  • Group work
    • Each member working to their strengths was the biggest boost for our group.
      • This allowed us to easily divide work for each sprint, and allowed us to be held accountable for our own sections.
      • This division based on strengths wasn't always the best method, especially when it came to debugging code. For example someone working on the UI in some cases could not easily figure out what the other developer had done in PHP and and vice versa.
  • Meetings
    • Meeting twice a week for each sprint worked out well for us.
      • In a perfect world, it would have been great to have short face-to-face meetings around a few more times in the week; however, as with everyone else we're all busy with work and other classes.
  • GitHub
    • Reflecting back on GitHub, we believe taking more time to learn how to use GitHub would have helped us in the long run; however, nearing the end of Sprint 4 we began to use GitHub a lot "better" as we discovered the usefulness of issues, rollback, became more accustomed to quickly responding to merge requests, and by the end we even began to start using some of the jargon surrounding GitHub.
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