You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 17
Known Issues and Troubleshooting
- Version 0.5.0
- Version 0.4.1 (see 0.4)
- Version 0.4
- Version 0.3
- Version 0.2
Look into the settings page of the call recorder UI and see if 'Automatic startup' option is highlighted. If not, tap on it to activate. If it remains unlit or goes lit for a short period of time and then back to unlit, please see next section.
First, look into the Settings page of the call recorder UI and see if 'Active' option is highlighted. If not, tap on it to activate. If it remains unlit or goes lit for a short period of time and then back to unlit, please read further.
Please check if the service is enabled and running. You will need the Terminal application. Issue the following command in the terminal to make sure you have the latest status of systemd:
$ systemctl --user daemon-reload
Then issue the following command to see current status of the call recorder daemon (mind 'd' at the end and you don't need to enter $ sign, it's already there):
$ systemctl --user status harbour-callrecorderd
If the output looks like this (mind disabled
at the second line):
harbour-callrecorderd.service - Call Recorder Daemon
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/user/harbour-callrecorderd.service; disabled)
Active: inactive (dead)
then try (mind d
at the end):
$ systemctl --user enable harbour-callrecorderd
If you get Failed to issue method call: No such file or directory
then do enabling manually with:
$ mkdir -p /home/nemo/.config/systemd/user/user-session.target.wants
$ ln -s '/usr/lib/systemd/user/harbour-callrecorderd.service' '/home/nemo/.config/systemd/user/user-session.target.wants/harbour-callrecorderd.service'
$ systemctl --user daemon-reload
After enabling start the recorder if not yet:
$ systemctl --user start harbour-callrecorderd
If the service is up and running, it should say something like this:
harbour-callrecorderd.service - Call Recorder Daemon
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/user/harbour-callrecorderd.service; enabled)
Active: active (running) since Mon 2014-10-27 00:02:12 ALMT; 19s ago
Main PID: 1136 (harbour-callrec)
CGroup: /user.slice/user-100000.slice/user@100000.service/harbour-callrecorderd.service
└─1136 /usr/bin/harbour-callrecorderd
Check if you have SailfishOS 1.1 (Settings -> Sailfish OS updates).
This is an issue of underlying PulseAudio-related stuff which is likely to be fixed in the upcoming releases of SailfishOS. To work around use harbour-callrecorder 0.4 or use the following command:
$ pacmd set-default-source source.primary