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Translation Guidelines

Dmitriy Purgin edited this page Sep 24, 2016 · 6 revisions

The translation project is located at Transifex:

Please register at Transifex and join the desired language team. Your request should be accepted automatically.

As an option you can clone the source code and use normal lupdate/lrelease/Linguist workflow to translate.

To test your translation in the app, you can upload the QM-file to your device to Documents folder and choose "User-defined" locale in app settings (see below).

Since version 0.7 the translations are ID-based and context is not tied to source code file names anymor. Please read "Developer comments" to each string, the context appears there now.

Deploying test translation

This feature of Call Recorder is available from version 0.7.1 and allows the translators to test their translations within the app.

  1. Download the TS file from Transifex clicking on the resource file and then selecting "Download for use" or "Download for translation"
  2. Open the TS file with Qt Linguist and produce a QM file using File -> Release or File -> Release as...
  3. Rename the file to harbour-callrecorder-ui.qm or harbour-callrecorder-daemon.qm depending on the resource you translate
  4. Upload the QM file to Documents folder on your device using either normal USB connection to computer or SSH.
  5. Restart the UI app and go to Settings -> User interface. The locale list should contain User-defined if your QM file was detected in Documents.
  6. Choose User-defined locale and restart the app

Qt Linguist is included into Qt SDK. You may find a standalone version of Qt Linguist on the internet.

App screenshots

The following screenshots demonstrate the strings in-app, so that it should be more clear how to translate them



The following strings appear as menu items for Sample rate combo box:

44.1 kHz
32 kHz
22.05 kHz
16 kHz
11.025 kHz
8 kHz

44.1, 22.05 and 11.025 are floating point values, so they should contain your locale's decimal separator.



The following strings appear as dialog buttons:


The following string is the same as the one in SailfishOS' People application:

No contacts available

These strings should follow the translation given by Jolla if SailfishOS is localized to your language.



The following string appear in push-up menu:


The following strings appear in pull-down menu:

Approve and store
Number is whitelisted
Number is blacklisted
Always record this number
Never record this number

The following strings appear in remorse popup:

Recording %1
Not recording %1


The following strings appear in remorse item:



The following strings appear as recording status items:

Armed for recording
Recording in progress
Recording suspended
Waiting for approval


The following strings appear as menu items and labels:

Always record this number
Never record this number
Approve and store
Number is whitelisted
Number is blacklisted

The following strings appear as remorse text for list item:

Recording %1
Not recording %1


The following strings appear as dialog buttons:


The following strings appear as time stamp filter elements:


The following string appears as text field placeholder and text field description for filtering by phone number:

Phone number


The following strings appear as page headers in corresponding modes:

Filtered recordings
Select filtered recordings

The following strings appear as pull-down menu items:

View recordings
Delete all
Delete all filtered

The following string appears as empty list placeholder when filter is applied:

No recordings meet filter criteria

The following strings appear as remorse text:

Deleting recordings
Deleting all filtered


The following string appears as a pull-down menu item:

Pick from contacts

Restore and RestoreWorker



The following strings appear as section headers:

Storage limits
Approval for storage

The following strings appear as text in widgets:

Limit storage by size or age
By age
Custom age limit in days
By size
Custom size limit in MB
Require approval
If checked, an approval of storage will be shown after each recorded call

The following strings appear as menu items for both limiting comboboxes:

no limit

The following strings appear as menu items for age limiting combobox:

30 days
90 days
180 days

The following strings appear as menu items for size limiting combobox:

300 MB
500 MB
1 GB
3 GB
5 GB




The following strings appear as description on approval dialog:

An incoming call was recorded
An outgoing call was recorded
A call was recorded

The following strings appear on dialog buttons:

Ask later