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[crf] Wapiti

Myungchul Shin edited this page Aug 3, 2018 · 12 revisions
  • Wapiti alternative

  • about Wapiti

    • it can retrain a pretrained model.
    • it implements f(y_t, y_t-1, obs_t) bigram features.
      • refer
      • but, if the number of labels is much larger, out of memory error might be issue.
    • in case, the training data is huge and you are using ‘B’ bigram feature, then training would be failed.
      * Train the model with l-bfgs
        [   1] obj=3080220.85 act=1447258  err=45.81%/99.34% time=1997.97s/1997.97s
        [   2] obj=2061806.01 act=1446884  err=45.81%/99.34% time=5747.45s/7745.42s
        [   3] obj=1897392.82 act=989401   err=45.81%/99.34% time=4996.30s/12741.72s
        [   4] obj=1864936.55 act=1397073  err=45.81%/99.34% time=5314.24s/18055.96s
        [   5] obj=1862659.23 act=978958   err=45.81%/99.34% time=3562.89s/21618.85s
      * Compacting the model
          - Scan the model
          - Compact it
              1278 observations removed
              886932 features removed
      * Save the model
      • try with ‘-o 10 -w 10 -d devel.txt’ setting to come up with 'stop criterias'
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