Strapi CMS pre-configured for Next.js Magazine Starter. Deploy to Heroku in one click.
If you want to deploy to any other platform or set up a different upload provider you can use the strapi-template-magazine instead.
- 4 Content types: Article, Category, Contributor, Pages.
- Publication system (draft & published).
- Preview unpublished content: Articles, pages.
- Slug system
- 2 Contributor types: Featured, default.
- SEO and social media friendly
- Role based access controls
Create your own copy of this project by clicking the "Use this template" button and filling the form.
Create a folder and git clone
from your own repository.
Install the dependencies and start the dev server.
yarn install
yarn develop
The strapi server will run on http://localhost:1337
Go to the admin panel (http://localhost:1337/admin), create an account and start adding sample content.
First, you'll need a Cloudinary and a Heroku account.
- From your copy of the repo click the "Deploy to Heroku" button
- Fill the Cloudinary ENV variables.
- Deploy
- Once is deployed, go to the admin panel e.g.
and create an account. - Last, go to "Setting" > "Users & permissions plugins" > "Public" > "Permissions" and check
on Article, Category, Contributor and Pages.
The recommended flow for adding new content is:
- Add contributor
- Add category
- Add article or page
Once you have your frontend deployed go to "Settings" > "Preview Content"
Fill it with your info, the URL should look like this.
Now, go to any article or page and click on "Preview".