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Lukas Obermann edited this page Oct 31, 2019 · 2 revisions

Worksheet Name




  • Type: number
  • Description: An increasing integer. The respective string ID will have the C_ prefix.

name l10n

  • Type: string
  • Description: The name of the culture.

areaKnowledge l10n

  • Type: string
  • Description: The full description of possible area knowledges.

areaKnowledgeShort l10n

  • Type: string
  • Description: The type of area knowledge.

languages univ

  • Type: Array<languageSid: number, &>
  • Description: A list of native languages (usually it is only one).

literacy univ

  • Type: Array<scriptSid: number, &>
  • Description: A list of native literacy (usually it is only one). If the culture does not use any script, leave this field empty.

social univ

  • Type: Array<socialStatusSid: number, &>
  • Description: A list of possible social status in the respective culture.

commonMundaneProfessionsAll univ

  • Type: boolean
  • Description: If all mundane professions are common for this culture or not. Exceptions can be specified in commonMundaneProfessionsExceptions.

commonMundaneProfessionsExceptions univ

  • Type: Array<id: string | number, ,>?
  • Description: If commonMundaneProfessionsAll is "TRUE", listed professions (string id) or profession groups are excluded from common professions list. If commonMundaneProfessionsAll is "FALSE" (or empty), listed professions (string id) or profession groups are the only common mundane professions.

commonMundaneProfessions l10n

  • Type: string?
  • Description: The text describing common mundane professions.

commonMagicalProfessionsAll univ

  • Type: boolean
  • Description: If all mundane professions are common for this culture or not. Exceptions can be specified in commonMagicalProfessionsExceptions.

commonMagicalProfessionsExceptions univ

  • Type: Array<professionId: number, ,>?
  • Description: If commonMagicalProfessionsAll is "TRUE", listed professions (string id) or profession groups are excluded from common professions list. If commonMagicalProfessionsAll is "FALSE" (or empty), listed professions (string id) or profession groups are the only common magical professions.

commonMagicalProfessions l10n

  • Type: string?
  • Description: The text describing common magical professions.

commonBlessedProfessionsAll univ

  • Type: boolean
  • Description: If all mundane professions are common for this culture or not. Exceptions can be specified in commonBlessedProfessionsExceptions.

commonBlessedProfessionsExceptions univ

  • Type: Array<professionId: number, ,>?
  • Description: If commonBlessedProfessionsAll is "TRUE", listed professions (string id) or profession groups are excluded from common professions list. If commonBlessedProfessionsAll is "FALSE" (or empty), listed professions (string id) or profession groups are the only common mundane professions.

commonBlessedProfessions l10n

  • Type: string?
  • Description: The text describing common blessed professions.

commonAdvantages univ

  • Type: Array<numericAdvantageId: number, &>?
  • Description: A list of common advantages.

commonAdvantages l10n

  • Type: string?
  • Description: A text describing common advantages.

commonDisadvantages univ

  • Type: Array<numericDisadvantageId: number, &>?
  • Description: A list of common disadvantages.

commonDisadvantages l10n

  • Type: string?
  • Description: A text describing common disadvantages.

uncommonAdvantages univ

  • Type: Array<numericAdvantageId: number, &>?
  • Description: A list of uncommon advantages.

uncommonAdvantages l10n

  • Type: string?
  • Description: A text describing uncommon advantages.

uncommonDisadvantages univ

  • Type: Array<numericDisadvantageId: number, &>?
  • Description: A list of uncommon disadvantages.

uncommonDisadvantages l10n

  • Type: string?
  • Description: A text describing uncommon disadvantages.

commonSkills univ

  • Type: Array<numericSkillId: number, &>
  • Description: A list of common skills.

uncommonSkills univ

  • Type: Array<numericSkillId: number, &>?
  • Description: A list of uncommon skills.

commonNames l10n

  • Type: markdown
  • Description: A text describing common names.

culturalPackageCost univ

  • Type: number
  • Description: The AP value you have to pay for the cultural package.

culturalPackageSkills univ

  • Type: Array<skill: [numericId: number, skillRating: number]<?>, &>
  • Description: The skill points you get for buying the culture package.

src l10n

  • Type: Array<occurrence: [bookId: string, firstPage: number, lastPage?: number]<,>, &>
  • Description: The source books where you can find the entry. The list items contain the book IDs (from the Books table) and the page (firstPage). If an entry spans multiple pages, provide the last page as well.

errata l10n

  • Type: Array<change: [date: Date, value: string]<?>, &>?
  • Description: A list of errata for the entry in the specific language.
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