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Getting Started

Jinho D. Choi edited this page Jan 12, 2018 · 14 revisions


  • Install Python 3.4.x or above.
  • Note that Python 2 will not be compatible to the materials in this course.


  • Install PyCharm. You can get the professional version by applying for the academic license.
  • Lauch PyCharm and create a new project:
    • Select Pure Python on the left pane.
    • Choose (or make) a directory called data-science.
    • Choose an interpreter that is 3.4.x or above.
    • Click the gear button on the righthand side and select Create VirtualEnv. Give env as name and choose the data-science directory you just created as location.
    • Click the Create button at the bottom.
  • Install requests:
    • Open the Preferences pane from the menu and search for Project Interpreter.
    • Click the + sign at the bottom of the Project Interpreter pane.
    • Search for requests and click the Install Package button.
  • Create a python package called src.
  • Create the python file called and paste the following code:
    import requests
    r = requests.get('')
  • Run the program by clicking [Run -> Run].
  • If you see the following output on the console, your program runs successfully.
    <Response [200]>

Jupyter Notebook

  • Install Jupyter Notebook.
  • On a terminal, go to the data-science directory.
  • Enter the following command to activate the virtualenv:
    $ env/bin/activate
  • Enter the following command to launch Jupyter Notebook:
    (env) $ jupyter notebook
  • On the web-browser where it is launched, create a new notebook and followed the steps in getting_started.ipyn.

Practical Approaches to Data Science with Text


Emory University

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