Releases: epics-modules/ecmc
ecmc v8.0.0
Add support for jerk limited trajectories based on ruckig (
Trapetzoidal trajectories still supported and default in ecmccfg. Ruckig module is now a dependency.Note: ruckig trajectory restrictions: On the fly velocity target changes only allowed in constant velo and not when positioning. On the fly update of position setpoint is supported.
Update of trajectory generator to allow "on the fly" update of target position and target velocity (trapezoidal traj.).
Ensure that master is not scanning slaves at startup. If scanning then wait until scan is finished (with timeout).
Remove commands Cfg.SetOpMode() and GetOpMode(). Obsolete and not used.
Add command "Cfg.SetAxisHomePosition()", same as Main.Mx.fHomePosition (try to phase out this old syntax)
Add possibility to run motion without motor record.
Control params:
Status params:
Examples and more info are available in:
- Brake handling:
- Engage brake if not enabled (instead of at enable cmd)
- Start counting open delay when drive enabled goes high (instead of enable cmd).
- Reset axis enable cmd if ethercat in error state (prevent re-enable when ethercat returns to OK)
- Add command to set drive timeout for enabled and DS402 state machine: "Cfg.SetAxisDrvStateMachineTimeout(int axis_no, int seconds)"
- Fix of absolute encoder reading at ioc startup
Add CSP mode
Main new feature is CSP (Cyclic Sync. Position) mode for drives.
Add support for motor auto enable/disable
Merge pull request #26 from icshwi/master Update from icshwi
Update autosave, JVEL, stop ramp
Minor fixes:
- Autosave support (need motor V7.0.3-ESS)
- Smoother stopramp
- Allow JVEL change during JOG (need motor V7.0.3-ESS)
Release 6.1.0
Add ecmcMotorRecord, a new asyn model 3 motor driver for ecmc with improved realtime performance.
Note: EthercatMC can still be used.
Update issue templates