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Releases: forge-42/react-router-devtools


24 Aug 10:35
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Embedded mode support!

After release v2.2.0 you can embed Remix Dev tools into your pages!

simply import the embedded tools like so:
import { EmbeddedDevTools } from "remix-development-tools"
and use it in your application page!

Full Changelog: v2.1.4...v2.2.0


23 Aug 10:27
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Bug fix:
Fixed a bug where route boundaries were infinitely adding invisible divs to the dom on each remount of the page

Full Changelog: v2.1.3...v2.1.4


21 Aug 15:13
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Defer mode support

Shows realtime updates when defer mode promises resolve in active page tab
Allows you to set expansion depth in settings for json viewer

Full Changelog: v2.1.1...v2.1.3


19 Aug 15:49
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Detached mode

Full support for detached mode dev tools is here! You can detach your remix development tools into a separate window and keep it wherever you like on the screen. No setup required!

Icon library plugin & Plugin docs

From this release there is a new folder on the root of the github directory called plugins where you can find a list of curated custom plugins that you might want to add to your project, there is a README on how to use them and how to add new ones through PR's

New json viewer!

After many comments on the lackings of the current json viewer I decided to switch to a stronger one to satisfy our every day needs. This one comes with an option to copy stuff to clipboard, see item lengths, bigger click areas, and much more!

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.1.1


04 Aug 11:31
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Settings page

This release brings a brand new settings tab with it. It allows you to configure your remix development tools on the fly and all the settings are stored in your localstorage allowing you to re-use them across your projects

  • Added new config option that allows you to change the color of the route boundary gradient to allow you to pick your favorite one! Credits to for the gradients! (If you want more options feel free to add more and make a PR)
  • Allows you to change everything that was before locked in code through this tab so you don't have to tinker with the code and change the config for other people

Remix Dev Tools initialization

Revamped the initialization of dev tools and the README for easier setup. It is as minimal as it can be and sets up everything to work by default and allows us to add new features on top in the future without you having to do any extra setup like in the earlier versions. The stylesheet is now included in the dev tools and you don't need to set that up

Breaking changes

  • Remix Development Tools no longer export a stylesheet
  • The named export for the component is gone. You can now import it as a default export only
  • Removed initRouteBoundariesClient and initRouteBoundariesServer exports in favor of initClient and initServer

What's Changed

This is a huge release for the Remix Development Tools! We have stabilized the internals of the dev tools to work across all environments by changing the way the tools work internally. This release should bring fixes for any possible shuttering, reloads, remounts of components, submit loops and the like!

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.4.1...v2.0.0


30 Jul 13:25
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.4.1


28 Jul 14:21
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.4.0


27 Jul 14:33
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What's Changed

  • Persist open state across full reloads by @AhmedNawaf in #26
  • 24 hide devtools by @AlemTuzlak in #28
  • Support for plugins
  • Hide dev tools trigger until hovered

Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.3.0


25 Jul 10:22
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: