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Giovanni Bruno edited this page Apr 30, 2019 · 9 revisions

On UP board and UP2 there are some leds.
You have 3 leds for UP board (green, yellow, red) and 4 for UP2 (blue, yellow, green, red).
Please refer UP website to learn more about your board.

1. Node specifications


2. Run

You can run this node by typing:
rosrun upboard_ros led_node

3. Tests

Easy test

To launch a test sequence for your leds just use:
roslaunch upboard_ros led_test.launch

You will see a sequence:

Manual test:

  1. Open a terminal:
  2. In a new terminal:
    rosrun upboard_ros led_node
  3. In a new terminal:
    to turn on blue led:
    rostopic pub /upboard/leds upboard_ros/Leds "{header: auto, leds:[{led: 1, value: 1}]}" --once
    to turn off blue led:
    rostopic pub /upboard/leds upboard_ros/Leds "{header: auto, leds:[{led: 1, value: 0}]}" --once

4. Notes

When led_node is killed all leds are turned off.

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