Releases: gclayburg/upbanner
Releases · gclayburg/upbanner
Spring Boot 3 Compatibility
[3.0.0] - 2023-2-11
Add support for Spring Boot 3 projects. With this version we now support Spring Boot 1, Spring Boot 2 and Spring Boot 3 projects. The minimum JDK required is JDK 8.
- Several new maven modules were added to support Spring Boot 3
- upbanner now supports examining jar files using the Spring Boot 3 jar file format
- added org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.AutoConfiguration.imports
- Building this project now requires jdk 17, but the resulting artifacts can still be used by a project that is using JDK 8.
- Some of the modules have tests that require JDK 8 to execute. They will not work with a newer JDK. See for details.
- renamed whatsupbanner root level pom to upbanner
- The module dependencies now look like this:
- com.garyclayburg:upbanner-starter:3.0.0
- com.garyclayburg:upbanner-core:3.0.0
- com.garyclayburg:upbanner-nestedjar:3.0.0
- com.garyclayburg:upbanner-probes:3.0.0
- com.garyclayburg:upbanner-probes:3.0.0
- com.garyclayburg:upbanner-nestedjar:3.0.0
- com.garyclayburg:upbanner-core:3.0.0
- com.garyclayburg:upbanner-starter:3.0.0
- Sometimes upbanner would print http://localhost:443 when it should have been https: instead
- docker detection now works with modern docker engines
- BuildPropertiesStub is no longer needed
- some JarFile @beans are no longer needed since the objects are created much earlier in the startup process.
Bug fix release
[2.3.3] - 2021-7-14
Bug fix release
- NullPointerException thrown during application restart when also using Spring devtools (#7)
Bug fix release for compatibility with Spring Boot Devtools
upbanner.debug phase improvements
[2.3.0] - 2021-4-23
upbanner.debug phase improvements
- debug: now show all enumerable properties available to the application and their source location
- debug: new comprehensive external property override report. For example, this application has
defined in 2 places:
--- properties OVERRIDDEN report ---
java.home=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre (from environment)
java.home=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre (from configurationProperties)
java.home=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre (from systemProperties)
java.home=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle (from systemEnvironment)
server.port=8040 (from environment)
server.port=8040 (from configurationProperties)
server.port=8040 (from systemProperties)
server.port=8050 (from applicationConfig: [classpath:/config/application-dev.yml])
- debug: phase now occurs before any beans are constructed during startup sequence
- debug: system environment and properties are now printed alongside other properties, with their source location
- debug: all property names are now printed in sorted order
- debug: @PostConstruct method is no longer needed if you want to customize upbanner. The debug phase is now invoked automatically before application beans are even constructed. See Customizing
Startup fail bug fix release
- file
- updates
- fix error where application startup would fail if debug was enabled and OSHI was installed and certain OS libraries were not installed, e.g. application packaged in docker image based on alpine linux
Expanded debug probes
- new probe to examine Spring Boot Jar file/ War file
- new probe to examine Spring Boot expanded Jar
- new probe to examine regular jar file dependencies
- new integration of optional OSHI hardware probe
- new UpContributor mechanism to expand and customize upbanner
- bundled MongoUpContributor to show the current DB in use
- many more integration test modules that demonstrate usage
- added SpringApplicationRunListener to capture name of running app
- added probe to detect Linux cgroup limitations in place for running app
- added probe to show JVM Memory limits in place for running app
- expanded locations to probe for current version of running app
- added docker detection
- added kubernetes detection
- expanded customization options with WhatsUpBanner interface
- expanded Javadoc
- expanded documentation
- setting name changed to upbanner.debug