[3.0.0] - 2023-2-11
Add support for Spring Boot 3 projects. With this version we now support Spring Boot 1, Spring Boot 2 and Spring Boot 3 projects. The minimum JDK required is JDK 8.
- Several new maven modules were added to support Spring Boot 3
- upbanner now supports examining jar files using the Spring Boot 3 jar file format
- added org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.AutoConfiguration.imports
- Building this project now requires jdk 17, but the resulting artifacts can still be used by a project that is using JDK 8.
- Some of the modules have tests that require JDK 8 to execute. They will not work with a newer JDK. See fullbuild.sh for details.
- renamed whatsupbanner root level pom to upbanner
- The module dependencies now look like this:
- com.garyclayburg:upbanner-starter:3.0.0
- com.garyclayburg:upbanner-core:3.0.0
- com.garyclayburg:upbanner-nestedjar:3.0.0
- com.garyclayburg:upbanner-probes:3.0.0
- com.garyclayburg:upbanner-probes:3.0.0
- com.garyclayburg:upbanner-nestedjar:3.0.0
- com.garyclayburg:upbanner-core:3.0.0
- com.garyclayburg:upbanner-starter:3.0.0
- Sometimes upbanner would print http://localhost:443 when it should have been https: instead
- docker detection now works with modern docker engines
- BuildPropertiesStub is no longer needed
- some JarFile @beans are no longer needed since the objects are created much earlier in the startup process.