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Releases: gfx-rs/wgpu


03 Jul 06:05
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This release includes wgpu, wgpu-core, and wgpu-hal. The crate wgpu-types is still at 0.13.0.


  • Fix out of bounds access when surface texture is written to by multiple command buffers by @cwfitzgerald in #2843



01 Jul 16:51
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This release includes wgpu, wgpu-core, wgpu-hal, and wgpu-types.

Major Changes

WGSL Syntax

WGSL syntax has changed in a couple ways. The new syntax is easier to read and work with.

Attribute declarations are written differently:

- [[group(1), binding(0)]]
+ @group(1) @binding(0)

Stage declarations are now separate attributes rather than part of the stage attribute:

- [[stage(vertex)]]
+ @vertex

Structs now use , as field separator and no longer need semicolons after the declaration:

- struct MyStruct {
-     my_member: u32;
- };
+ struct MyStruct {
+     my_member: u32,
+ }

Surface API

The method of getting the preferred swapchain format has changed to allow viewing all formats supported by the surface.

- let format = surface.get_preferred_format(&adapter).unwrap();
+ let format = surface.get_supported_formats(&adapter)[0];

Presentation modes now need to match exactly what the surface supports. FIFO is always supported,
but all other modes vary from API to API and Device to Device. To get a list of all supported modes,
call the following. The order does not indicate preference.

let modes = surface.get_supported_present_modes(&adapter);

Timestamp Queries

Timestamp queries are now restricted behind multiple features to allow implementation on TBDR (Tile-Based Deferred Rendering)
based GPUs, such as mobile devices and Apple's M chips.

Features::TIMESTAMP_QUERIES now allows for calling write_timestamp only on CommandEncoders.

Features::WRITE_TIMESTAMP_INSIDE_PASSES is needed to call write_timestamp on RenderPassEncoders or ComputePassEncoders.


The function for mapping buffers no longer returns a future, and instead calls a callback when the buffer is mapped.

This aligns with the use of the API more clearly - you aren't supposed to block and wait on the future to resolve,
you are supposed to keep rendering and wait until the buffer maps on its own. Mapping and the flow of mapping
is an under-documented area that we hope to improve in the future.

- let future = buffer.slice(..).map_async(MapMode::Read);
+ buffer.slice(..).map_async(MapMode::Read, || {
+     // Called when buffer is mapped.  
+ })

Submission Indexes

Calling queue.submit now returns an opaque submission index that can be used as an argument to
device.poll to say which submission to wait to complete.

Other Breaking Changes

Device::create_shader_module now takes the shader descriptor by value:

- device.create_shader_module(&shader_module_descriptor)
+ device.create_shader_module(shader_module_descriptor)

Color attachments can be sparse, so they are now optional:

FragmentState {
-  targets: &[color_target_state]
+  targets: &[Some(color_target_state)]
  // ..
RenderPassDescriptor {
-  color_attachments: &[render_pass_color_attachment]
+  color_attachments: &[Some(render_pass_color_attachment)]
  // ..
RenderBundleEncoderDescriptor {
-  color_formats: &[texture_format]
+  color_formats: &[Some(texture_format)]
  // ..

Extent3d::max_mips now requires you to pass a TextureDimension to specify whether or not depth_or_array_layers should be ignored:

Extent3d {
  width: 1920,
  height: 1080,
  depth_or_array_layers: 6,
- }.max_mips()
+ }.max_mips(wgpu::TextureDimension::D3)

Limits has a new field, max_buffer_size (not an issue if you don't define limits manually):

Limits {
  // ...
+ max_buffer_size: 256 * 1024 * 1024, // adjust as you see fit

ComputePass::dispatch has been renamed to ComputePass::dispatch_workgroups

- cpass.dispatch(self.work_group_count, 1, 1)
+ cpass.dispatch_workgroups(self.work_group_count, 1, 1)

Added/New Features



  • Re-allow vk backend on Apple platforms via vulkan-portability feature by @jinleili in #2488
  • vulkan: HDR ASTC formats support by @jinleili in #2496






  • Adapter and Instance as_hal functions by @i509VCB in #2663
  • expose some underlying types in Vulkan hal by @i509VCB in #2667
  • Add raw_device method for dx12, vulkan hal by @xiaopengli89 in #2360
  • expose egl display in gles Instance hal by @i509VCB in #2670
  • Add raw_adapter method for dx12 hal adapter by @xiaopengli89 in #2714
  • Acquire texture: Option<std::time::Duration> timeouts by @rib in #2724
  • expose vulkan physical device capabilities, enabled device extensions by @i509VCB in #2688




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