Work In Progress.!
A Linux CLI build on Bash & Whiptail to make it easier, makeing a BASH file for The Front Linux Dedicated Server.
For use with The Front Dedicated Linux Server v1.0.22
- Easy Access to settings
- Can autofill Local/Public IP of the Server (req. curl)
- Generate Start script for The Front Dedicated Linux Server
In order to take full advance of this script, it's need to have Whiptail and curl installed. If your are running Debian/Ubuntu, then you can use the following command to install them.
sudo apt-get install curl whiptail -y
I wrote this script to help my self out and it works for me on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.
Use it with caution and always double check the result before using it.
- Update README
- Force STEAM update before start
- Manual STEAM update from menu
- Description of Configuration Options within the script.
- Other handy stuff.
- Update Menu Images.
- Settings Filter added.
Path to your Save Game files.
Path where Server files are stored.
Read settings from this file. (Shouldn't need be to changed)
Help file for settings. (Shouldn't need be to changed)
Use EPIC and not STEAM.
Lets the script find your IP Address. (0 - No, 1 - Yes)
Enter your IP Address or let the script find it.
Do a STEAM update of The Front before starting the Server.
Add an extra command to The Front Server.
Notes :
If UseSteamSocket=1, then it will insert your Public IP otherwise Local IP. if FIND_EXTERNAL_IP it set to 1.
USE_EPIC_SOCKET might not be needed as there are no official EPIC Client for Linux but I've included it anyway.
I've added Wiki page with all the settings found in the TheFrontManager along with
Default settings and where they are found in the Manager as of version 1.0.22.
Also added Min, Max and Increment values as well.
More Wiki pages added.
Lots of good information.
From :
Good source of information.
pharrisee on Github for creating bash scripts and other good information on running The Front Server on Linux.
SurvivalServers with their Admin Commands and Advanced Configuration Pages.