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Contibuting a Method

Shozo Hatta edited this page Sep 9, 2017 · 11 revisions

In Goby we have different classes and methods. If you are interested in adding one, here's what to do:

1. Find the Source

All built-in classes are all in /vm directory, each file represents a class. Its instance methods are stored in an array variable, with its name prefixed with "builtin" and suffixed with "Methods". The following table offers several naming examples:

class file methods stored in variable
Integer integer.go builtinIntegerMethods
String string.go builtinStringMethods
Array array.go builtinArrayMethods

2. Keep the files organized and add comments

In vm/ dir, the functions in each builtin (native) class file are organized as follows: (except vm-related files such as vm.go, instruction.go or thread.go)

  1. type declaration -- Add comments to describe the class for API doc
  2. variable/constant/interface declaration (optional)
  3. Goby class methods -- Add comments to each method for API doc
  4. Goby instance methods -- Add comments to each method for API doc

keep the instance methods in alphabetical order

  1. internal functions
  • a: initialization functions
  • b: polymorphic helper functions
  • c: other (non-polymorphic) helper functions
  1. addition (optional)
  • declarations (such as type)
  • helper functions

For adding comments as API doc, see Documenting-Goby-Code.

organization of functions 1 organization of functions 2

3. Add a Method

Adding a new method is adding an element in the array. The element includes two parts, Name and Fn. A Name is what the method is called, and Fn usually looks like:

func(receiver Object) builtinMethodBody {
  return func(vm *VM, args []Object, blockFrame *callFrame) Object {
    // ...

Usually you don't have to modify this structure, neither variable names, but you do need to know several things:

  • receiver is the object that performs this action. For instance, if a code runs like "10".to_i, the "10" is the receiver.
  • arg is the arguments of this method. For example, 10 + 20 takes 20 as its argument.
  • blockFrame is a block brought into this method.
  • Object is always the returned value because in Goby everything is an object!

4. Add a Method: An Example

Let's try adding a index method to the Array class that allows us to find a String or Integer in an array!

Supposedly we're building a method that allows us to do this:

a = ["a", "b", "c", "d", 2]
a.index("a") #=> 0

c = a.index do |x|
    x == "c"

c #=> 2

Find the builtinArrayMethods variable in vm/array.go. Follow the comments and see how we add it:

    // First we give it a name.
    Name: "index",
    // Remember, receiver is the Array instance.
    Fn: func(receiver Object) builtinMethodBody {
        // `vm` is a pointer to VM.
        // `args` is an array of arguments. 
        // Let's say our method will run like `array.index("c")` and return "c", so the returned value is: 
        // []Object{
        //   0: StringObject{
        //       Class: *RString
        //       Value: "c"
        //   }
        // }
        // `blockFrame` is our block argument, this method returns `nil` if there's no block.
        return func(vm *VM, args []Object, blockFrame *callFrame) Object {
            arr := receiver.(*ArrayObject) // Retrieve array ["a", "b", "c", "d", 2]

            arg = args[0] // Get the value we are looking for in the array
            // Check the type of object
            elInt, isInt := arg.(*IntegerObject)
            elStr, isStr := arg.(*StringObject)

            // `index` searches given value in the array and returns its index if found
            // i: index of element
            // o: value to compare with arg[0]
            for i, o := range arr.Elements {
                switch o.(type) {
                case *IntegerObject:
                    el := o.(*IntegerObject)
                    // If both objects are integers, returns an IntegerObject i
                    if isInt && el.equal(elInt) { 
                        return initilaizeInteger(i)
                case *StringObject:
                    el := o.(*StringObject)
                    if isStr && el.equal(elStr) {
                        return initilaizeInteger(i)

            return initilaizeInteger(nil)

5. Add Test Cases

We can't have a method without a test case. Let's add a test case.

The best way to test it is to write Goby code directly and see if evaluating the code returns the desired result. We're using the built-in testing package in Go, so please follow Go's convention in writing tests, especially keeping the failing message understandable.

  • Find the test file for your class. If you added a method in integer.go then add a test in integer_test.go.
  • Create a function name starting with "Test", so Go will run this function in testing.
  • In this function, use testEval() function to evaluate a piece of Goby code.
  • Validate if the returned object is as you expect. If not, write a failing message. The message should include what we expect, and what is the actual output.

6. Add Test Cases: An Example

Let's add a test case for the #index method we just added. In array_test.go, we add the following code block.

func TestIndexMethod(t *testing.T) {

    tests := []struct {
        input    string
        expected *IntegerObject
        // The following is a piece of Goby code
        a = [1, 2, "a", 3, "5", "r"]
        // We expect it to generate an Integer object 

    for _, tt := range tests {
        // Evaluate the code
        evaluated := testEval(t, tt.input)
        // Use our function to evaluate if it is as expected
        testIntegerObject(t, evaluated, tt.expected.Value)

7. Finally

Run make test in project root directory to see if all tests passed. If so, congratulations! Now push and create a pull request!