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How to implement new neuron models

golosio edited this page Dec 29, 2020 · 5 revisions

How to implement new neuron models

NeuronGPU supports the definition of new models through three possible approaches, two that do not require any experience with programming languages, the other more advanced, which allows to use an arbitrary number of new models in the same simulation and greater flexibility in the model definition.

Basic approach with 5-th order Runge Kutta

The 5-th order Runge Kutta method gives more accurate solution of the differential equations underling the neuron dynamics compared to the Euler forward method, however it is slower. The user has to choose the synapse type among one of those already available in the code: either current based with exponential, alpha or delta function, or conductance based with alpha or beta function. The corresponding template files are user_m1_psc_exp*, user_m1_psc_alpha*, etc. To use them, the user has to overwrite the files user_m1.h user_m1_kernel.h user_m1_rk5.h. For instance:

cp user_m1_cond_beta.h user_m1.h
cp user_m1_cond_beta_kernel.h user_m1_kernel.h
cp user_m1_cond_beta_rk5.h user_m1_rk5.h

Those files must be opened and modified appropriately using a text editor. In the file user_m1_kernel.h, in the lines:

enum ScalVarIndexes {
  i_V_m = 0,
enum ScalParamIndexes {
  i_V_th = 0,
const std::string user_m1_scal_var_name[N_SCAL_VAR] = {
const std::string user_m1_scal_param_name[N_SCAL_PARAM] = {
#define V_m y[i_V_m]
#define w y[i_w]
#define dVdt dydx[i_V_m]
#define dwdt dydx[i_w]
#define V_th param[i_V_th]
#define Delta_T param[i_Delta_T]
#define t_ref param[i_t_ref]
#define refractory_step param[i_refractory_step]
#define den_delay param[i_den_delay]

V_m and w should be replaced with the names of the state variables that describe the neuron dynamics, and V_th, Delta_t, etc. should be replaced with the names of the parameters of the model. It is advised not to modify the parameters t_ref, refractory_step and den_delay, unless the user knows what he is doing. In the lines:

  dVdt = ( refractory_step > 0 ) ? 0 :
    ( -g_L*(V - E_L - V_spike) + I_syn - w + I_e) / C_m;
  // Adaptation current w.
  dwdt = (a*(V - E_L) - w) / tau_w;

should be replaced with the differential equations of the state variables, i.e. the derivatives of the state variables. The lines:

  if ( V_m < -1.0e3) { // numerical instability
  if ( w < -1.0e6 || w > 1.0e6) { // numerical instability

should be replaced with proper limits for the state variables. In the file, the lines

  V_th = -50.4;
  Delta_T = 2.0;
  g_L = 30.0;

should be replaced with proper initial values of the parameters and state variables.

After those modifications, the code must be recompiled and reinstalled with the commands make and make install

Basic approach with Euler forward method

This integration method is faster than the Runge-Kutta but it is less accurate. The corresponding template files are user_m1_psc_exp*, user_m1_psc_alpha*, etc. To use them, the user has to overwrite the files user_m1.h user_m1_kernel.h user_m1_rk5.h. For instance:

cp user_m1_iaf_psc_exp.h user_m1.h
cp user_m1_iaf_psc_exp_kernel.h user_m1_kernel.h
cp user_m1_iaf_psc_exp_rk5.h user_m1_rk5.h

Those files must be opened and modified appropriately using a text editor. In the file user_m1.h, in the lines:

enum ScalVarIndexes {
  i_I_syn_ex = 0,        // postsynaptic current for exc. inputs
  i_I_syn_in,            // postsynaptic current for inh. inputs
  i_V_m_rel,                 // membrane potential
  i_refractory_step,     // refractory step counter

enum ScalParamIndexes {
  i_tau_m = 0,       // Membrane time constant in ms
  i_C_m,             // Membrane capacitance in pF

const std::string user_m1_scal_var_name[N_SCAL_VAR] = {

const std::string user_m1_scal_param_name[N_SCAL_PARAM] = {

I_syn_ex, I_syn_in and V_m_rel should be replaced with the names of the state variables that describe the neuron and synaptic current dynamics, and tau_m, C_m, etc. should be replaced with the names of the parameters of the model. It is advised not to modify the variable refractory step and the parameters t_ref and den_delay, unless the user knows what he is doing. The same replacements should be done in the file, in the lines:

#define I_syn_ex var[i_I_syn_ex]
#define I_syn_in var[i_I_syn_in]

In the file, the lines

   else { // neuron is not refractory, so evolve V
      V_m_rel = V_m_rel * P22 + I_syn_ex * P21ex + I_syn_in * P21in + I_e * P20;
    // exponential decaying PSCs
    I_syn_ex *= P11ex;
    I_syn_in *= P11in;

should be replaced with a proper update formula for the state variables.

After those modifications, the code must be recompiled and reinstalled with the commands make and make install

Advanced approach

With this approach it is possible to define an arbitrary number of models. The user can start either from the files user_m1* or from the files defining one of the models already included in NeuronGPU, edit the files, replace the model name (user_m1 or the name of the model used as a starting point) with a new name and modify the state variables, the parameters and the equations of the dynamics according to the new model.

In the file neuron_models.h, in the lines

enum NeuronModels {
  i_null_model = 0, i_iaf_psc_exp_g_model,
  i_iaf_psc_exp_hc_model, i_iaf_psc_exp_model,


const std::string neuron_model_name[N_NEURON_MODELS] = {
  "", "iaf_psc_exp_g", "iaf_psc_exp_hc", "iaf_psc_exp", "ext_neuron",

the user should add the name of the new model. In the file, after the line:

#include "user_m2.h"

the user should include the header of the new model. In the body of the function

NodeSeq NeuronGPU::Create(std::string model_name, int n_node /*=1*/,
                          int n_port /*=1*/)

the user should add a new block, as:

  else if (model_name == neuron_model_name[i_my_model]) {
    my_model *my_model_group = new my_model;

where my_model should be replaced by the model name. In the file, after the lines

$(top_srcdir)/src/user_m2_kernel.h \

add the header files of your new model. After the lines

$(top_srcdir)/src/ \

add the .cu files of your new model.

After those modifications, from the main directory, run

autoreconf -i

then the code must be recompiled and reinstalled following the instructions for compiling from source.