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User guide

golosio edited this page Jul 31, 2020 · 6 revisions


See the NEST tutorials:

and the Python examples in the folder python/examples

Differences in usage between NeuronGPU and NEST

All aeif neuron models in NeuronGPU are multisynapse models. The number of receptor ports must be specified at neuron creation:

# Create n_neurons neurons with n_receptor receptor ports
neuron = ngpu.Create("aeif_cond_beta", n_neurons, n_receptors)

If not specified, the number of neurons and the number of receptors are set to 1 and cannot be changed. The receptor index starts from 0 (and not from 1 as in NEST multisynapse models).

The multimeter devices in NeuronGPU are used in a different way from NEST. To record a variable, you have to create a record, as in the following example:

import neurongpu as ngpu

neuron = ngpu.Create("aeif_cond_beta", 3) # create a population of 3 neurons 

ngpu.SetStatus(neuron, {"I_e":1000.0}) # set a constant input current

filename = "test.dat" # file where the record will be saved. If empty ("") no file is produced

i_neurons = [neuron[0], neuron[1], neuron[2]] # any set of neuron indexes

var_name_arr = ["V_m", "V_m", "V_m"] # variables to be recorded

i_receptor_arr = [0, 0, 0] # receptor ports from which the variable should be recorded
                           # (0 for scalar variables)

# create multimeter record of V_m
record = ngpu.CreateRecord(filename, var_name_arr, i_neuron_arr,

ngpu.Simulate(800) #simulate 800 ms of biological time

data_list = ngpu.GetRecordData(record) # get data from record
t=[row[0] for row in data_list] # extract time from data
V1=[row[1] for row in data_list] # extract membrane potential of neuron 0
V2=[row[2] for row in data_list] # extract membrane potential of neuron 1
V3=[row[3] for row in data_list] # extract membrane potential of neuron 2