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Derek Jones edited this page Jul 5, 2012 · 7 revisions


At this time, CodeIgniter (1.3.3) does not support fragment caching. To overcome this limitation, here is a technique that can be used in the event that you do need a fragment caching feature.

This technique involves breaking out a fragment into its own method, and from within the main view, referencing the URL of the fragment with a require() statement.



class Fragment Extends Controller {

function Fragment() {

function index() {
$data['current_time'] = date('U');

function cached_time() {
$data['cached_time'] = date('U');



<p>The current time is: &lt;?=$current_time;?&gt;.</p>
&lt;?php require('http://localhost/index.php/fragment/cached_time');?&gt;


<p>The cached time is: &lt;?=$cached_time;?&gt;.</p>
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