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Onboarding and Offboarding Guide

Qiqi Zheng edited this page Apr 4, 2024 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Food Oasis Team

Welcome to Food Oasis! We're thrilled to have you join our mission. This guide outlines the onboarding process to get you set up and ready to contribute effectively.

Access the Full Onboarding and Offboarding Checklist here:

Onboarding Guide

Initial Steps:

  • Fill out the roster form to provide us with some basic information about you.

Join the Community:

  • Get involved in our Slack channels for updates and discussions:
    • #fola for general discussions
    • #fola-design for design-related conversations
    • #fola-devs for technical discussions and development collaboration
    • #fola-leads-and-pms for strategic conversations between project leads and managers.
    • #fola-leads-pms-writers for collaborative discussions involving project leads, managers, and content writers.
    • #fola-pms for project management discussions and coordination.
    • #fola-research for insights and discoveries
    • #fola-writers for content creation talks
  • Important: Use GitHub for discussions lasting longer than our Slack's two-week chat history.

Familiarize Yourself:

  • Access the Figma Team file for design collaboration.
  • Dive into the Food Oasis Wiki to understand our project better.
  • (Optional) Start data validation to see how our site serves the community. Contact current product managers on Slack for details.

Check Resources and Tools:

Offboarding Guide

Should you decide to step back, here's a process to ensure a smooth transition:

  • Google Calendar: Remove from corresponding team meetings.
  • Google Drive: Update access to read-only.
  • Update Roster status as inactive to reflect your departure.
  • GitHub: Update status to read-only team.

We're here to support you throughout your journey with Food Oasis. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out on Slack or through the channels mentioned in our wiki. Welcome aboard, and we're excited to collaborate with you to make a meaningful impact!

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