This repository have F1TENTH labs result.
In the wall following laboratory assignment, the vehicle is expected to complete the race track without crashing. In this algorithm, the distance to the right or left wall is calculated using data from the LIDAR sensor. Then, a control system is designed using the current distance to the wall and the desired distance information, and the vehicle is expected to move parallel to the wall.
While the vehicle is on the race track, it may encounter static or dynamic obstacles. In this laboratory assignment, the vehicle is expected to complete the race track without hitting the obstacle when it encounters an obstacle. In the Follow the Gap algorithm, the best gap is determined and the steering angle of the vehicle is adjusted according to the best point of this gap.
If there are obstacles on the race track, the vehicle moves as in the video below. As can be seen, the last obstacle in the race field cannot be overcome successfully.
In the pure pursuit laboratory assignment, it is expected to adjust the steering angle of the vehicle after determining the closest waypoint to the vehicle using previously created waypoints.